I can’t cope

I can’t cope

I can’t cope

I know this isn’t exactly expected. After everything that has been said or done, you’d think that there are no more words left to say, but there are.

I have said some royally awful things to and about you. I seriously can’t take back anything I’ve said, but this is the closest I can get. I thought you were the love of my life, but clearly you were my first love and not my last.

Everything you did hurt me so bad, but I know I need to apologize because it’s who I am and you know that too.

I hate what we’ve become because we always said we’d be friends, just like before, but we aren’t. I know that there has been so much water under the bridge that the bridge itself has practically become part of Atlantis, but the least we could do is not argue every time we see each other out with friends.

I am pretty sure you hate me by now, so I’m just sorry, I doubt you’ll even reply or you’ll just make fun of me, but one of my New Year’s Resolution’s is to be braver, and this is just about the bravest thing I can think of doing.

Love you


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