Forgive me for still missing you…

Forgive me for still missing you…

Forgive me for still missing you…

Dear Patrick,

I dreamt about you last night. It’s been four years since we broke up, but still it seems that my heart won’t let you go. I know, its all my fault, and some days you may agree with me and other days you blame yourself, but I was the one who left you, I was the one who missed you, and in the end I used you. But I did not mean to hurt you, I never wanted to hurt you. I wanted you to be happy, and I didn’t think that I could keep making you happy.

But I lost more than my boyfriend, I lost my best friend. The only person who knew how to be there for me, who held me and let me cry on his shoulder and told me I was perfect. I never deserved your kindness but you always gave it to me.

I know that it can never be the same between us yet I desperately hope that one day things will change. Please forgive me for all the wrongdoing I’ve done, I know I can never forgive myself.

Your Masked Mistress,



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