I saw your doppelganger today

I saw your doppelganger today

I saw your doppelganger today

There is nothing that I wish I told you…

I’m not still heartbroken but I’m not heart fixed either….

I don’t have an awesome new life..

I already said I’m sorry a thousand times so I don’t think a thousand and one will matter…

You have a girlfriend now, so its safe to say you’ve probably moved on.

I’m pretty sure I’m over, it’s been over 2 years coming up on three. We only dated a few months but honestly it felt like a lifetime. I feel I gave way more than you did. I went to see you, you never came to see me. You never hardly called and said come see me. I was clingy and needy. I was pester and I should have let the relationship die when you wanted it too. I made a fool out of myself. You cheated first, I technically didn’t cheat but the thoughts were there so I guess I did. Someone was showing me the attention you never did, you quit giving me attention and I kept searching for it from you and slowly things drifted. I didn’t respect your wishes. Even just four months ago after 2 years I was still messaging you. You have me blocked on fb and your home phone. I wish I can forget your number and many of the good memories. I have to remind myself of the bad memories otherwise I’d be overcome with just wanting to remember the good before you changed. Before you gave up on me. You have a new girlfriend and you seem to have changed like a 180 for her. I am jealous but I’m also happy. I know one day my life will include a nice man who will give me the attention I need not the attention I want. He will treat me good, he will love me and never treat me like someone who is pestering him. I wish I could have gotten over you as easily as you got over me. It’s not fair but I think god wants me to learn some more things. I got to be patient. I’ve given up the idea that we’ll have a Sweet home Alabama movie ending our The notebook. I have to just move one someway somehow. Have to let you go more even though it still hurts inside.


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