Letting go of pain. I want peace

Letting go of pain. I want peace

Letting go of pain. I want peace

LTME-postI dont want to get out of bed n i dont want to cry.
I tried writing this n i didnt no what to say so im going to release my self. You broke me in the worst way you shattered my self esteem, you did everything you promised you werent gonna do. I did you wrong in the begining but u continually hurt me and i loved you through it all i loved you when everyone said i shudnt and you made made a complete fool of me. You held me and said its ok the shoes on the other foot isnt gonna drop and it did. You knew i loved you and you used me i held u down i was a good woman but all good things must come to an end. Im crying my brains out because you said you didnt want to date anyone but a week later your in a relatiobship.
So im going to cry until i wake up n not think of you. Erase you from my mind like you erased me from your heart. Thank you for showinng me i deserve a love as deep as the sea and you cudnt give it to me.
Most of all thank you for teaching me one man’s crazy is anothers mans wife because you will regret losing me

Imagine you fall in love with person

They make you laugh untill you cry and tickle you till it hurts

Imagine you fell in love with a person whose warmth you craved on the coldest of days

When they looked at you u felt like u were on cloud nine

Imagine the person you loved could not decide to love you

But u you loved them any way,

Imagine the one person you loved didn’t love you,you enoughto fight for you
but it didn’t matter because you loved any way and through the pain

So what about me imagine a person I havent met thinking about meeting me
Day dreaming about loving me
Im apart of someones imagination and they already love the imperfect me.

Im letting go of all this pain. I want peace. You no longer have control to hurt me

Im letting go of all this pain. I want peace. You no longer have control to hurt me.


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