You know on September 14, 2012 when you so eloquently dumped me for deciding to be abstinent, you really broke my heart. Almost as much as catching an STD and trying to convince me that I gave it to you, cheating our WHOLE relationship, beating me, calling once a month, and forgetting to inform me I was a booty call. You know Kevin, I actually loved you, sadly more than I loved myself.
But if you thought what I said to you that night was bad, you aint seen nothing yet. You are gay!!!! You like men!!! Thats why you keep bouncing from cooch to cooch. Your a loser, NY bum, And lemme guess “She must want me”. No, idiot… only part of you worth anything to me was your TONGUE. I’m happy you dumped me, cause now I’m walking around like a model, about to graduate college. While you drive a 93 Geo, work at Lowes, and have been pursuing a Associate degree since 2008. You lost out dummy.
And one day when I’m a rich, happily married, dentist, you’ll still be right where I left you.
And if you still waiting on that call dont hold your breath………..
Kick rocks with no shoes on then kill yaself,
Ruby aka Double D aka I TOLD YOU I ALWAYS WIN