Chemistry, is all.

Chemistry, is all.

Chemistry, is all.

Dear Anonymous,

What went wrong? Let’s have a look, see.

– We communicate differently
– I come back because you’re delicious in bed
– I wanted more from you outside the bedroom but I don’t know why you won’t leave the house
– We are both introverted, intuitive and thinking
– You lie, I cheat
– You’re depressed (to what degree, I don’t know because you hide everything)
– I don’t know what’s wrong with you
– I don’t know if my efforts are reciprocated


  1. Jacob 12 years ago

    Wow, have you ever thought how hard depression is? And he may not be telling lies, he may be withholding his feelings inside himself to not upset you. So many thoughts go on in depression. If you love(d) him you would’ve helped him not cheat on him? Once a cheater always a cheater! What’s done is done & you are to blame by your words alone. Sad really as your justifying your infidelity. Why would he take you back. Come clean if you have any respect or morals or live a life of shame which you have to live with! You’ll regret that later in life.

  2. Jay 12 years ago

    Wow, some women disgust me!

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