I’m so glad, and thank you…

I’m so glad, and thank you…

I’m so glad, and thank you…

Dearest Ex

I want to let you know that I am so glad you left me.

I no longer walk around on egg shells, wondering what I have done wrong now.

I no longer have to worry that saying the wrong thing could lead you to harm yourself in front of me or attack me, punching and kicking. Aiming at my bad ear or my bad back. Smashing my flat up and throwing the food I prepared for you over my carpets and walls.

I am now allowed, in my own time to rebuild relationships with friends and family after having such intensive therapy for childhood abuse in the past.

I am so happy that you dumped me by text and never spoke to me about it. I am so glad you freaked out and tried to scare me in your car, driving like a nutter. Threatening to drop me off in the middle of the m25 because I wanted to get out.

I am so glad I came back to you with an open heart and full of love. Because this time I managed to see what you really thought about me and who you really are.

I am so happy you just wanted me for sex and nothing more.

I am really glad that you wouldn’t let me move in and kept me hanging, wishing and wanting.

I am so happy that me getting an amazing well paid job meant you thought I’d leave you.

I am so glad that trying to help you with your confidence in getting a job made you mad and you thought I was putting a price on your head.

I am so happy you left me and cancelled the credit card and left me skint and heartbroken with no confidence in myself.

I am so glad you started dating after a couple of weeks of splitting up with me.

I am so glad I have my own identity back and I am finally getting my life back. I am so glad I met you and you treated me like shit!

I am so glad that you said you loved me and I was your missing jigsaw piece. Only to cut me out so quickly.

I am so glad you needed power all the time and took out all your past on me.



  1. BlackBeauty 7 years ago

    I respect your letter and can relate to it well… My ex boyfriend didn’t physically abuse but emotionally did. It takes a strong person to appreciate and acknowledge the hurt, pain and chaos of being vulnerable with love. I celebrate you and thank you for this post as I am in the position where you are, expressing gratitude to God because ” my worst days are behind me, and the best is yet to come.” My prayer is that you hold true to your values, morals and self-esteem. Keep up the good work and know that there is something better around the way!


  2. LINCOINBOY 4 years ago

    I am so glad you survived the routine of abuse,
    I am do glad others can learn ftom your story,
    Finally! I am so glad, you got the courage to stay over again.

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