After a year and 11 months you decided to dump me, after almost two years of giving you everything, getting you anything you asked, doing whatever you asked, giving you all my time and love. I lost all my friends cause you were getting all my time and attention but when i told you that i want you to spend more time with me than with your friends, you acused me of being too posessive and jealous. I don’t know, maybe i was but so were you during all of our relationship.
I know, and i admit that i wasn’t at my best last two months but is that really a reason to dump me just like that? Why did you forget other 20 months so easy, when i was making you happy every day, treating you like a princess…
I dont understand why you gave up so easy, we all have our ups and downs, why you didnt want to give me a chance to show you that… It’s like all that good time we had and this last two months have same weight for you, why?
You told me a month before you left me that you don’t want to lose what we have, so why are you letting it go?
I can’t send you this letter cause i still love you and i still hope you will give us another chance, even though i hope you will somehow get this letter..
god i love you so much..
I just need to know why
1 Comment
She must have her reasons for letting you go…as hard as it is, accept it and grow from the experience.