I’m over you

I’m over you

I’m over you

For the last 2 months, I have been regretting my decision of leaving you. I’ve been wanting to call you tell you I love you, I want to be with you, I miss you. But something clicked for me. It was like I turned the switch. Those were all statements because I was feeling alone and sad.

These last few days I have been feeling so amazing and happy. Realizing that if I had called you to say that … I would have been lying to you and myself. Everyone couldn’t be wrong about you. Truth is, hon, is that I didn’t even really like a lot of your personalties and used you not wanting kids as an out. I’m sorry but that was more black and white than all the other greys.

Hon, I need passion in my life … you were not that. I had to walk out on you during sex because you were like a dead fish… and I couldn’t have sex with someone that had no life. No life IN life and I need an active life parter.

I don’t hate you, what I feel for you is nothing. I am indifferent, isn’t that amazing! You made it very easy for me to get over you. Thank you


  1. Noon 11 years ago

    I’m glad you are feeling better …. but I wonder why you have to leave such a scar on someone? There is no reason to be mean, you left and it’s over … no need to be nasty!

  2. S 7 years ago

    Thats great. Hope all works out. Id like to erase and forget. Bye

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