There’s so many things I’d like to say to you but there seems to be no words that could explain what i feel but first and foremost, If there is anything on earth I’d like to tell you most is that I am thankful – to have known, met and love you.
You taught that there’s a million ways to say and show your love and I love you way more than anything. I love how you would surprise in the middle of the night infront on my house with my favorite food, I love how you would cover my head with your hand whenever it rains, I love how you would kiss my head in the middle of the movie without warning and I love how you would hide and whenever I found you, you would look at me with this very sweet smile of yours. I could go on and on and write a book about you.
You brought me to where I am today. You were there to remind me that friends are indeed precious when I lost my trust over people, you believed in what I can do even when I doubted myself, you supported my dreams and told me to chase great things I meant to achieve and most of all, you love(d) me even when I hated myself. Without you, I wouldn’t have turned into the happy-go-lucky person that I am today.
Even when you tell me it’s over for good, all I could see and hear is love – that you’re doing it not for you, but for me. You told me go chase my dreams and to not let not you stop me from doing so. What you didn’t know if that you never ever stop me from doing so, but you made me thrive in it. I am sorry for what I did to you and I know I should’ve tried better and you had every rights to blame me but do understand I never meant to hurt you. You insisted that we’re better off for now because we hurt each other too much and I sincerely, more than anyone, know the sincerity of your words because no one knows you better than I do. I know that it hasn’t been easy for you to let me go but we both know it’s for the best.
I miss you so much and there’s so many things I wish we could do together but as for now, i’ll settle for whatever it is and wait until we’re ready – when we’re better for each other and maybe then, we’d learn to appreciate each other better
Until then, I’ll wish you all the very best in life and you will always be in my prayer. Always, always believe in yourself like I believe in you and the amazing things you will achieve in life. May you be content and to always be you that I adore.
Whenever you’re ready to come home, my door will always be open for you, J