Still, after these past months…

Still, after these past months…

Still, after these past months…

LTME postDear A,
Yes, I’m still hanging around, missing you, and living a lacklustre life without you in it
I really think it’s ruined between us now; there is no ‘us’ to speak of, anymore.
Now it’s you, and me. 2 separate people, living separate (and unhappy) lives
I hope your choice was worth the cost, because for me it’s a heavy price, every minute of every day
I’ll be missing you, my A, always.
Love, your M. X X X


  1. Venus 10 years ago

    Mike, is that you ..?

  2. M 10 years ago

    I’m sorry, I’m a female. I hope Mike gets in touch though. Take care.

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