You betrayed and humiliated me

You betrayed and humiliated me

You betrayed and humiliated me

LTME postI will never forget that Tuesday evening while we were out for some drinks when you broke the heartbreaking News to me. While watching a game of tennis you turned to the unsuspecting me and said “I am confused” I immediately knew it was about our relationship. How hurtfully you went on and on telling about the new amazing girl that you had just met about two months ago and how she makes you feel alive. She is a dentist, she plays tennis, she talks well, you said. Here I was after having traveled thousands of miles just to see you and now wondering why on earth did you let me come if you already had another girl in mind. You had taken me to your work place the previous day to greet your colleagues and a day later you are telling me its over. How humiliating!

I still don’t understand why after three years of a happy relationship, you wanted to throw all that away just because you met a girl who is a dentist and can play tennis. You always told me I am the best for you, we had plans for the future, i honestly thought you were happy because you very often said it. We have invested together, alot of money. Are you really willing to forfeit all your investments and hardwork because of the excitement of the new girl on the block?

Like I told you on the day you told me those hurtful words is that unless you make a decision to stick with the partner you have chosen, if you keep looking even the exciting tennis player you have now will be less so when you meet the exciting dancer.

I have not forgiven you yet but I am working on it and i hope that one day, I will get look you in the face and tell how much you hurt me without crying.

May be one day I will understand what that caused your sudden change of heart. For now I am trying to mend my broken heart. Thankfully I nolonger cry myself to sleep like I did in the first days but its still hard to comprehend because I still I love you.

1 Comment

  1. kim 7 years ago

    How terrible, the same happened to me my whole life was planned around him. He Called me crazy and that I needed help Only because I made the mistake of looking for him constantly and asking to fix the relationship. He choose her over me.

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