This is just a thank-you

This is just a thank-you

This is just a thank-you

LTME-postDear Marisa,

It has been exactly 2 years since I called you on the phone for the final time as a friend. Our conversation started off like any other. A couple of jokes, asking how each other’s day went. Asking how our valentines days were. However, something came over me that day. Although our friendship was solid, yet young, i felt like there was a deeper meaning as to why God put you in my life. I asked you if you would be my girlfriend…and you hesitated, knowing you wouldn’t be in nj for much longer. But, you still said yes…and much to my surprise. Fast forward some months later and we signed our lease for the apartment. Although i was extremely nervous at first, I realized that it was time for a change. It’s funny how, even until today, i never felt a more joyous moment then when we kissed for the first time at your mom’s house. I felt like a giant weight was lifted, and i was capable of doing anything at the moment. Marisa, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for being the rock that i needed to kick me in the ass when i needed it. Thank you for showing me that it’s ok to live outside my comfort zone. I know i have been criticized in the past by people because of my decisions and actions and no matter what. You had my back, and you would have ran through a wall and crossed a million oceans for me. I know a lot of things i did…to be honest didn’t make much sense. I could have easily done better. And i realize that. And this is not a “i want you back” message, or a sympathy message. This is just a letter of endearment. Just a “thank you.” I know you’re happy with someone else now, but I’m extremely happy for you, you deserve every single drop of happiness that comes your way. No matter what has been said, done, thought, thrown, i always thought of you as an extremely passionate person that would do anything for someone you cared for. Don’t ever change, everyone loved you in my family, regardless what you though. You always had a positive vibe around you…and when i had a shitty day, you were there to cheer me up. Thank you so so so so much marisa for having the mental and emotional strength to deal with somebody like me. And thank your mom and dad for the hospitality whenever i stopped over there. You know, leaving New Jersey soon, the possibilities are literally endless for me, and you made me realize that. If we ever meet again, trust me, there won’t be any hard feelings. There was too much of the good to outweigh the bad. And if the opportunity doesn’t present itself, and we never meet again. Then just know…it was an absolute pleasure to call you my girlfriend, my partner in crime, my beerpong partner during my bday, but most of all, my best friend.

Thank you.


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