I am never, ever coming back

I am never, ever coming back

I am never, ever coming back

You’re the worst thing that has ever happened to me.
The way you treated me like shit the last four months of our relationship, all while you were cheating and lying behind my back, it just feels like you ripped my heart out and smashed it to a million pieces.
I gave you every benefit of the doubt, I gave you every chance to come clean and tell me what’s going on, and yet you decided to let me down for the millionth time.
I’m fucking done.
How dare you still think you have the privilege of getting a text back from me ever again?
Till this day you never said sorry for any of your actions, while I lost all my pride for you, apologizing over and over again for the smallest, stupidest mistakes that you would not let go.
All this time I put up with your bullshit and completely lost myself for you over time. You never fucking cared.
I was too much of a coward when you mistreated me, never knew how to confront you, always doubting my own feelings, wondering if I was just being too sensitive. Anything you said was the truth and I had to adjust my entire worldview to go along with it.
You’re a piece of shit and I am walking out of your life. I am never, ever coming back for you ever again.
I hope you rot in hell you motherfucker.


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