Listen up Buster. I’m pissed off at you. You made promises that you didn’t keep. Yea, I know I made a promise to marry you too. But guess what…I don’t care. I CAN SO NO! I can choose to leave. I can choose myself. You were controlling, demanding, difficult, mean and never gave my kids a chance. You wanted my boys and I to be just like you… To live like you and act like you and wipe our asses like you. That’s jacked up. God made us all different for a reason. But you can’t see life like that. You hardly like anyone, because the way other people choose to live pisses you off. I know I started acting differently. It was because I was unhappy trying to live in your little box. I couldn’t breathe. Everything I did, you picked apart… my cooking, my driving, my parenting, my friends, my BATH WATER! Now that I have left, you are ready to fix things with my kids and my ex. You are calling EVERYONE. You are offering to get me an apt back in Houston. You are offering to pay for my son’s braces. Don’t you see that is the only way you know how to love? Buy/pay for things and then use that stuff against me and hold it over my head, all while making me feel like I can’t handle life on my own. That’s not unconditional love dude. And now you call my best friend to get her on your side and you STRAIGHT UP LIE about me. You need help and soon. You are riding on the crazy train and I’m glad I jumped off. Oh, the landing has been hard. Very hard. You won’t even LET me break up with you. Remember, I’ve done this before, but I always give in to you. Not this time. You can’t help it, even this break up has to be on your controlling terms. You are right there telling me what a piece of shit I am. What a huge mistake I’ve made. How you aren’t going to let me have my stuff. How much money you spent on me. Do you think that’s all it takes for a relationship you arrogant ass? I left everyone and everything to be with you. I wish I would’ve know that you were so difficult to live with before I left everything I loved behind. But hey, at least I figured it out before we got married. That would’ve been great. I’m so outta here. You aren’t going to intimidate me, control me, make demands of me, berate me and dog on my family any more. You can take all of your money, your lies, your RULES, your anger, your uptight attitude and shove it where the sun don’t shine. I’ll be moving on down the road. Broke and alone, but happier because I can breathe and be myself again. Thanks for the life lesson. I’ll. Never. Do. It. Again. I’m smart like that.
Goodbye to your crazy ass!