I’m dreading writing this mainly because I’d be admitting to the fact that it’s basically over but here it goes. Our relationship lasted a little over a year. I’m not here to talk about how much you hurt me or any of that because you didn’t and to be completely honest this was the most healthy relationship I’d been in. The happiest I’d been for a while. I’m not sure what to call it but I wouldn’t say we’re drifting apart because I keep trying with you but it’s like you stop putting effort in and keep getting more and more distant so I’ll say you’re drifting apart and I don’t know why either. It sucks because we’d always talk about growing old together and talk about our future together but now that there’s a chance there wont be a future together is shitty. You’ve treated me the best out of anyone I ever been with and there wasn’t really any flaws in our relationship because we were so open with each other that if we had something on our minds we told each other and learned to work it through. A year ago we bought these rings that we promised to wear all the time, cheesy I know. This month when I got back from out of the mental hospital from no communication with you for a month you showed me a picture of you still wearing it and it made me happy to know that even when we hadn’t talked for a whole month you still had me on your mind and cared about me. I was honestly so scared you’d forget about me and stop caring mostly because I was so used to it happening with other people. But then you started getting more and more distant. The FaceTimes and texts started getting less frequent. You’d take hours to respond even when you were clearly on your phone. I’m not sure why and I’ve confronted you about it but you just made up an excuse which I know is bullshit. But you, you were the last person I’d expect to get a bullshit excuse from because we’d always been honest with each other but maybe things have changed and I don’t see it. Maybe because I refuse to and I hate to see something so good come to an end. All of my biggest and most important parts in life this past year have included you. That’s one thing that will suck that every time I look back on something big whether it was good or bad you were apart of it. We helped each other so much and when no one else was there for us we’d been there for each other. It was just you and me like you once said. We’d been the ones who could truly understand each other and that’s what made our bond so strong. I still have the picture of us set as my homescreen. I still have our ring on. I still have the valentines present I just bought you last week and most of all I still have love for you that I don’t think is going anywhere anytime soon. So if this does come to an end then I want you to know you’ll always have a place in my heart and I’ll never stop loving or caring about you. I only want the best for you and if you feel like keeping our relationship isn’t the best for you then as much as I don’t want it to end I can’t force you to do something you don’t want and I’ll have to let you go which will be one of the hardest things. And I want you to know that even if it does end I’ll still be here for you and if you ever need anyone you can come to me. You were an important part of my life but I guess like they say good things come to end. I love you and won’t ever stop loving you. I wish you only the very best in life. Thank you for everything. You helped me get through my worst and taught me many things. Farewell
i guess it’s come to and end