You left me alone

You left me alone

You left me alone

LTME-postMy love,

On May 15, 2016 you changed my life forever. You were my first love. You made my life into something so special. For over a year, we were so in love. Everything just felt right. You made me realize what love is. You made me feel special, and you made me feel like I could conquer anything this world through at me. You helped me work through my mental illnesses, and you helped me realize my worth. And then I got sick, and I realized how naive I really was. The day I was hospitalized, you said that you would be there for me throughout the entire process. You promised that you would never leave. You were the one constant that I had in my life. Then I was transferred to the hospital in Cincinnati, 1500 miles away, and suddenly it was “too much” for you to handle. You couldn’t handle my illness. Forget about the fact that I was in the ICU fighting for my life. And when I finally got out seven months later, you suddenly wanted me back. But I just want to let you know something. I don’t need you anymore. I thought that I did, but you did nothing but make me insecure about myself. I’m having to fight through recovery without you, but I finally got accepted to Veterinary school. I’m doing what I want to do with my life, even though there is still the soundtrack in my head of you saying it was “unrealistic”. I don’t need your validation in my life anymore. I don’t need your love, I don’t need your sex, and I definitely don’t need your approval. So fuck you, and I hope you realize all of the shit that you’ve done for me.


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