Archive for 2022

  • Wishing you the best


    Hi Ga, I don’t know how this will make you feel, maybe confused, angry or sad or hurt. I’m...

  • I miss you I wish you never left..


    Dear Ex, I know we broke up in august but I still find myself thinking about you everyday. I am...

  • Dreams


    Anh!  You came back. For a moment there, everything was a blur. It was like a dream… In fact,...

  • I hate you the most


    Dear Bubby.  I just want to tell you how ungrateful I am that I met someone like you, You...

  • It’s hard staying friends


    I wish you would’ve kept fighting for me. We were the happiest we’d ever been two months ago when...

  • Taylor fast or quick


    Dear you – I look back now all the years gone by and think was it even real or...

  • Sorry I made you misunderstand me


    Aron, What’s your problem actually? Are you dumb? Can’t you see I have got nothing to feel for you? Then...

  • Too slow baby Joe


    Dear Erica – if that’s really your name, I met you years ago many I should say, I remember...

  • You hurt me


    Joshua, all i ever got was a fucking text from you. not even a call.i fucking hate the poems...

  • Watch


    Watch the clouds dissipate as the wind blows.The sun is shining brightly, and birds are chirping.Watch as the dawn...