Til next time.

Til next time.

Til next time.


I can see you for who you really are. I know that once you lost your dad, you kind of lost your way. Even before you lost him, you were only searching for joy and happiness because it wasn’t there in your family. Hence you got in to drugs, bad relationships, and lived a life of pleasure. But you realized simple pleasures only make you happy for a short amount of time, and that real joy is found elsewhere. So you turned to helping people and began studying to get in to nursing school. You were accepted in to nursing school. And now you are almost done with nursing school. Soon you will be a nurse and will be able to help real people. People who have been through pain, people who are in pain, people who might be depressed, people who aren’t in their happiest days. And you help these people, you are a spark plug in their day. You get to help real people.

You have found a way to become happy in life by helping others. You got away from the hard drugs, you no longer drink alcohol and black out, you no longer smoke cigarettes, you no longer have bad relationships with guys. You have become the healthiest you have ever been. Physically, mentally, spiritually, you are the healthiest and happiest you have ever been. And you have no one to thank but yourself. YOU pulled yourself out of a dark whole and YOU built yourself up to become the beautiful girl you are now. C, that is incredible. Take a step back and think about this, you have accomplished all of this on your own. My have you grown. My am I so so so so so so so so so proud of you. I wish I could just give you hedgehog kisses all over your face and shower you in my pride and happiness for who you now have become.

With that, I want to just say this:

I truly wish the best in life for you, and I truly hope that you find true and ever lasting love like you deserve. Maybe it’s with me, maybe it’s with the guy you are with now, and maybe it is with someone you have yet to even meet, but I hope it is true and ever lasting love. You deserve nothing but the best and to soak in happiness every day for the rest of your life.


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