Guess this is the final nail in the coffin of our love story

Guess this is the final nail in the coffin of our love story

Guess this is the final nail in the coffin of our love story

LTME postHey you.

So it’s finally time for you to come back home after a year. I’ve been wondering how this would play out for us since the day you left. Ai I really hoped you would have grown some balls while you were there, guess not! A simple heads up that you have a gf and she is coming with you would’ve been nice. You blind sided me when you left and now! You selfish inconsiderate bastard!

When your cousin told me I barely stopped to think, not sure if it’s the shock or if I’m just so over you. It does hurt though, you left for London leaving me and our 5 year relationship behind but you rerouting and can’t leave this chick behind after 2 months! Seriously!!!

I’m choosing to see this as God’s way of making sure I don’t end up with you again, guess I’ve turned into a pro at seeing the good in all the hurtful things you throw my way.

Guess this is the final nail in the coffin of our love story, I want you to be happy so best of luck with this chick and yes I do still love you and I am jealous but I’ll never let you know.


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