If we’re to be friends

If we’re to be friends

If we’re to be friends

LTME postIf we are actually to be the friends we can be, then this needs to be out there and it also needs to remain a secret.

We had our final talks, we tried and failed to make it work. However if you had just given me some of your time, where we could be a couple and enjoy life together. I would’ve given you EVERYTHING.

I would’ve cut contact with everyone except my closest family. I would’ve been the man you needed. I would’ve doted after you, always. Because you meant that much to me.

But you didn’t try hard enough and when you did it failed badly.

I accepted who you were a long time ago. I just wanted to be loved, the way I NEEDED to be loved. Just like you needed me to be serious, YOUR way.

I’ll always be there for you. But the love is dying.


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