You left me so confused

You left me so confused

You left me so confused

LTME-postDear Mike…
I really don’t know…
we were so good in the first year, you gave me my first kiss and many more kisses…
I really loved you with all my heart, all my soul…
the second year and third year were the most horrible years
we had many arguments, all the times you pushed me away (I held on because I really loved you ), the girls you were dating while still telling me you love me.
you fucking gave me emotional trouble, making me feel like I was the most important thing in your life
all the lies you fed me with, all the things I didn’t dare to try but you let all those girls try it
you said you love me but you had how many girls under your arms?…
I couldn’t leave you, don’t you understand Michael? I over loved you
I couldn’t even leave you despite all the hurt
each time I tried to leave, you always talk me back to you
Michael…I don’t know if I still love you…hell i’m confused

why is it when I finally tried to move on, when I finally got a guy who is totally different from you
he cares about me, loves me like die, buys me stuffs, Michael this guy treats me right
I guess it’s true that after you go through a bad experience, you need a good experience
you made me go to hell and I came back
Michael, why are you begging me to come back now that I’ve moved on…
every time you reappear, my brain turns into a puddle…because I guess I still love you…I guess I really do love you still even through all this…
my boyfriend said it when we started dating that I’m still into you
I did a lot of convincing both for myself and for him that I’m over you
everyone said you always looked like you didn’t care about me
Michael did you really not care about me…tell me you love me only if you really mean it…

yes I wouldn’t leave my boyfriend for you, I told you already and if you still want to wait for me…then okay…

Michael I may not get the opportunity to ever say this but I really really love you

I love you
I love you
you hurt me so bad
but still, I don’t care
I also hate you



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