It hurts like hell

It hurts like hell

It hurts like hell

LTME-postHey, it’s me. The girl you said you loved once. Remember me? I’m sure you do, you just don’t care enough to ask me how my life is going, what it did to me after you left me with the remaining half of my heart that is only still growing back to normal size. Therefore, I’ll ask you instead. How’s your life? Did it feel good when you sent the message that said it’s over? Do you like seeing me in the halls every day with my head low because every time I look at you I break down crying? But I forgive you. I forgive you because even though it hurt like hell when you left, even though it broke me into a million pieces, I know you loved me at one point. Just like I loved you, but the word in that sentence that stands out is “loved”. You loved me, I love you. But I still hope you’re good, genuinely good. And I hope no one ever hurts you like you hurt me. Because of no one, ever deserves that. I’m not mad, I’m just in pain. Even though it still hurts, and even though you said I would get nowhere without you, I’m doing it. I’m moving on. See you later.


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