4-7-12 : )
Dear Ex,
We still talk but there’s a lot I want to say. First, I still miss you. I think about you every day.When you said you still loved me, it meant so much to me. When I see you, I miss us. I wish I told you how much I loved you all the times you doubted my love, or when you hurt me… how much you hurted ‘US’. A few days ago, when you asked me if I still thought about us I said ‘sometimes’. Truthfully, it’s ALL the time. Every minute of the day! If I could do it all over again I would, but I/we can’t. I can’t, the damage is done. I don’t want to be in your way of any new love that comes your way. Although we both know none compares to us 🙂 I wish you the best of luck !
# Friend ….