To the forgotten one,
It’s strange the way the tables have turned. In the start, I was a naive 16 year old in love with someone much, much older. I seduced you and for a little while you were mine. I felt like I was always having to prove myself to you… How silly. Of course you had more money, of course you almost had a house and of course you were ‘mature’ and ‘sensible’. It’s only now that I realise that in comparison to others your age, you haven’t achieved anything, really.
You always did say that once I turned 18 I would outgrow you, and I did… how glad I am that I did. Your games became boring and I didn’t want to be tied down at such a young age anymore. I went out and met new people and experienced a small part of life while you sat at home. And then I traveled, and I traveled well… more than you’ve done in your 30 years. You always made fun of my job, because I wasn’t getting anywhere while I studied, I hope you heard that I’m doing well now You’re still you… in the same job, with the same income and the same small group of friends that don’t venture out of our city, ever.
It’s only now that I realise that you were nothing but a bullying stress upon my teenage life. You drained me, and stole all of my confidence, you made me miserable. I hope you never, ever treat another woman the way you treated me. I loved you, so sincerely.
And now as I receive multiple ‘I want you back’ and ‘I hope you’re happy’ messages I laugh. You belittled me to the point where i spent most nights in bed with you, crying myself to sleep. I hope you feel some pain now, just for a little while.