Dear David,
I still can’t believe that you don’t care about us anymore… Where the fuck did your love go? I know you’re happy with someone else…
I wish I could be happy about that but I’m not. It’s been so hard for me. I never thought my love for you was so strong, today I was smelling your sweater you left here I wanted to remind my self about that weird smell of yours… I know I shouldn’t feel the way I feel for you anymore, yes I haven’t called you or even looked for you because you don’t deserve all this love I feel for you. You broke my heart…
What hurts me the most is the truth And the fact that even if you were to come back to me :/ I will NEVER take you back, this is it, you’re really gone. How did we go from ‘I love you miss you I’ll never let you go’ to not even talking and you moved on within two days, fml you motherfucker was probably cheating on me .. you never truly loved me… I hate that I love you, I hate that I miss you and think about your fucking ass not all the time but I’m thinking of you now… I just hate how stupid I feel I know this is temporary and it will heal with time.
I just hope everything works out with you and your girl, I hope she makes you happy… For more than just a year and a half… And I hope she never does this shit to you because if she does OMG I’ll miss it!! And well that day you will realize what you did to me was fucked up… I hate my heart and I love my brain … My heart still loves you but my brain hates everything about you… Love and hate type of shit. I’m missing my friend, the person I would always tell my shit to god why can I just erase you…
P.s I still do fucking love you…
I love how your writing style! So unique and fresh. I’ve never read anything like it.
i love u. I should have never let u go, but separation is sometimes needed to realize what we had and lost. The relationship we had before was great but not healthy we both did our share of mistakes. Now time to look forward and open a new chapter in our lives together. My feelings for you are so much stronger. “A Fucking idiot confused” well i was that fucking idiot who was confused as well. You complete my heart and i will never ever ever let you fucking go!!! Prometo a dios, yo nunca le dejo ir. La vida sin ti no tiene sentido. I am looking forward to spending my life with you, growing old wit u, having a family wit u
“I wanna make you smile whenever you’re sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with youI’ll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with youI’ll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are coldNeed you
Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote controlSo let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed if you’ve had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you”– can’t wait for us to get married <3 <3 i love u so much with all my heart and i promise to god we will last forever baby.