To Tito

His last communication with my parenthetical responses:

Subject: Hey

Sent: Tue, Jun 11, 2013 9:44:36 PM

I’m sorry I’ve been so out of touch. You shouldn’t read anything into that or the fact that I’m emailing instead of talking.  ( You honestly don’t see the significance? ) And of course I don’t detest you. ( That’s nice.  I never used the word detest, though.  Hmmm.) I felt very bad when you left that night because you had a look of shock and horror on your face. I’m sorry that I did that to you. ( Sorry you caused me to have an unpleasant expression,  or sorry that you misrepresented yourself, again?)

I wasn’t taking anything you’d said in your email as a hint to send you money. I know you’re not in dire straits or anything but I’d wanted to follow through on what I’d said I was going to do. (funny how you like to follow through on insulting things that might boost your own ego.) I do care about you and hope that maybe eventually we can be friends, and you know you can come to me if you need anything.  ( Now there’s a benevolent decree.  Should I kiss your ring first?  Too bad you aren’t able to offer me any respect or genuine empathy.)

It just slowly became clear to me that the relationship wasn’t jibing with who I am and where I am in my life right now. ( You mean now that your young friend is back in town and you can cruise bars for young women together, that place?) Please don’t look for ways to take this too personally and make yourself feel worse.  (Oh, you’re concerned I’ll make “myself” feel worse?  I do feel regret for believing anything you ever said about genuinely wanting me in your life.  As you may have conveniently forgotten,  that was a condition of me entering into our relationship again.) Much of the problem has to do with my own personality and quirks and tendencies.  (I could use a little pepto-bismal at this point.  You imagine you have a tendency to let yourself be coerced and led by the desire’s of others?  Interesting view of passively taking advantage of someone else’s feelings for you, until you decide the advantage lies elsewhere.)

1 Comment

  1. Mmm 12 years ago

    WOW, no I let someone just like you do what they had done to all before them. Discard them once done when it didn’t suit them. Funny that. The reason some pp, feel lead is because they trusted them when they should hav never. They might have wanted them in their life but……… who’s kidding to life for more pain and torment. My face wasn’t of horror nor theirs yet their twisted mind beliefs otherwise to convince them of what happened just like always. It definitely wasn’t working as it takes two to make a relationship work and when one is off doing all that they want and has never been able to communicate properly what do they expect? Exactly Nothing. That is why they are always single and have failed after failed relationships. It is no one else but them. Sad really as they have many good qualities, just not the ones that count towards love.

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