I am sending you love

I am sending you love

I am sending you love

Miss Pretty,

I hope you are ok. Whatever its is, I just hope you are alright.

Sending you love…



  1. T. 11 years ago


    For you to send love to someone reveals that you are generous and giving. That is a beautiful quality, endearing, that I’m sure Miss Pretty would appreciate.

    I know someone that is generous and giving and also has an initial that starts with R. I don’t know if he would ever read this but I wish I could send him my love and thank him for everything he has done. He opened up a whole new world of possibilities and gave me so much to look forward to. We gazed up in wonder and amazement at the star filled sky and marveled at the beauty of the six-sided snowflake. I called him “snowflake” and he gave me pink and white flowers. We studied for a final together and I’d tease him about his analysis of things.

    He gave me his time, his knowledge and kindness. If I could send him a message, I would tell him I’m alright. I’m starting to eat more, meditating, exercising, and taking care of my health. I would thank him for giving me so much and I’ve learned to give too. I would send him my love because I will always treasure the moment we had and love we shared. He will always be a snowflake that fell out of nowhere and landed in my heart.

    Thank you R for a short and sweet letter, it was as exquisite as a snowflake.


  2. moore 11 years ago

    I Will Love You Forever

    I love you so deeply,
    I love you so much,
    I love the sound of your voice
    And the way that we touch.
    I love your warm smile
    and your kind, thoughtful way,
    the joy that you bring
    to my life every day.
    I love you today
    as I have from the start,
    and I’ll love you forever
    with all of my heart

    When I’m with you,
    eternity is a step away;
    my love continues to grow,
    with each passing day.

    This treasure of love,
    I cherish within my soul,
    how much I love you,
    you’ll never really know.

    You bring a joy to my heart,
    I’ve never felt before,
    with each touch of your heart,
    I love you more and more.

    Whenever we say goodbye,
    whenever we part,
    know I hold you dearly,
    deep inside my heart.

    So these seven words,
    I pray you hold true,
    “Forever and Always,
    I will Love You.”

  3. C 10 years ago


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