You’re a gutless, spineless, loud mouth lying SOB

You’re a gutless, spineless, loud mouth lying SOB

You’re a gutless, spineless, loud mouth lying SOB


I can not believe the mess that you are in now and me getting dragged down with you simply because you could not keep your word, you could not keep your faith, and most importantly, you could not keep your damn zipper up!

When you got upset with me over something so trivial last year, I asked you if I was just a game for you in the last 4 years? You did not reply to me. You would never reply to me whenever I’ve got you cornered. I did not realized it then, but now I figured it is part of your cowardice. The bravado that you painted yourself with, oh how brave and mighty you made me believed you are. Reality is your bravado is nothing but  a figment of your imagination, just like the many tales, dreams that you created to seduce me and your current whore.

Having spent so many times with you in the last year, it is now clear to me that you are nothing but a depressive, personality disordered, gutless, spineless, loud mouth lying SOB. A charming one I must give that to you. All those years that we dated, your thoughtfulness, your caring ways were nothing but a superficial one to suit the moment. Or maybe because you knew you could use me.

I just can not believe that before I left you in Asia last year to return to Europe, you were in tears and very scared but you could have come with me, but you won’t. I was ill within weeks of arriving back home. In the beginning you showed your concerns and I was heartened. Then the 2nd time I was hospitalized, your replies to my texts and emails started to slacken. After I got out of the hospital for the 2nd time, there was only one email from you and none of the texts you claimed to have sent. Worse, my brother told me you’ve met someone, a 23 year old and you were smitten. You denied it, said “she’s just a friend” and is showing me around the city.I believed you because you were always a stickler for honesty, you low life, lying scum!

But what made it worse was when you yelled at me for waking you up early in the morning when I wanted to talk to you after I was discharged from the hospital. I was reaching out for you, you low-life bastard! I’d been so sick, I wanted the man I trusted most. But no. You hang up on me and refused to answer your phone.  You could have just stabbed me in the heart with a knife, that would have been bearable.

I asked you recently if she was with you the day you yelled at me for waking you up and you denied it. But lying bastard that you are, and her opening her legs for you within 2 weeks of meeting you, I really don’t believe anything that comes out of your mouth now. In fact, looking back to our 5 years, I can count on one hand (not even that!) the promises that you made and came true, and that was only the dinners that you promised. The swimming lessons, the massages, the traveling around Asia which we both loved, our dream retirement home we were gonna build were nothing but a figment of your defective mind. Everything could have still been possible if not for your anhedonia and apathy. But now, this whore has taken all that, your dreams, my dreams, our dreams.

Following my illness, months passed and you were trying to keep up the communications, but they were lacking in warmth, they’re not the same. My gut feeling was telling me that you had someone new. but still, you kept denying it. December 2013, my father was dying, again I was trying to reach out to you, but you again ignored my messages. It was not until Dad’s death that you sent a one sentence condolence text.

Fast forward to Feb. 2014 and I managed to get leave from work to come see you. Upon arriving in the city, you refused to see me for 2 days citing not feeling well. I even cut my appointment on the 3rd day so I could accompany you to your appointment with your Doc. But you left early, deliberately avoiding me.

Looking back now, I know that that was so you won’t get seen to be in my company because the hotel and restaurant staff where might tell your slut that I arrived. And all these times, you kept denying a relationship with her, you’re still maintaining “she’s just a friend”. Even when she came to your hotel room while I was out, and she left after telling her I was staying in the same hotel, I asked you at the time “are you having a relationship with her?” And you replied “no”. I then asked you, “why would she get upset that I’m staying here?” you said “oh, she’s got it in her head that I’m her BF”.  I then asked you “how could she just waltzed into your hotel room when there’s guards and staff at the entrance”?  You told me that the guards are friends of hers, that she often comes to the hotel to use the wi-fi. But I did not buy your story, but I kept my mouth shut. We went for drinks that evening. The restaurant waitresses asked you what happened to your other GF. I looked at you while you told them “shit happens”. Again I asked you if you were having someone else and you said “no”. Geez Reich, did you enjoy telling all those lies to me? God, you must have been laughing once you were alone, you scum!

We went to my brother’s place next day and you got a call from her which you took out of my ear shot. When you returned, you told me that she asked you why you did not say good bye. I asked you “how would she knew that you’d checked out and with me?” your reply “she has spies at the hotel”. I did not make any comment. You must have read my mind because then you said “there’s never anything there in the first place M.”.

We checked into the local hotel in my town, the receptionist told me you were bringing women there, the waitresses at our favorite restaurant were telling me you had a new GF. But I did not let on to you what I was hearing because you’d deny it. When we caught up with my sister in law, she told me that based on your whore’s body language that you were having a relationship, and that you were even giving her money. You could have just kicked me in the gut!

We were together, you were back to your normal self, the old Reich that I knew only when you were taking extra doses of your pain medications and mixing them with alcohol. We even talked of having babies. You told me that if I won’t agree to having babies with you, you’ll do it with your whore because she was younger and she’s a lot like me in many ways: hard working and smart. But you continued your denial of having relationship with her.

I had to leave you again to return to Europe, you accompanied me to the capital and we spent my last 2 nights together. But you weren’t the same. We did not even spend the night on the hotel’s balcony like we did last year. And no wonder because you could hardly wait to make an arrangement to see your gold digging whore when you returned home.

Three weeks after I left you, you wanted to talk to me. You made me promised that I’ll be your friend whatever happens. My stomach went into a knot. You could not bear to utter the word, I did. Asked you “is she pregnant?” There was a long pause before you replied “yes”. I felt I’ve just been hit by a ton of bricks. All I could utter was “so you’ve been having sex all along”. And you said “yes”. I felt my whole world crumble. You could not deny it anymore.

Now everything is revealed, you lying bastard! Why the lies over and over and over? It’s almost like a pathological lying!

In the course of the next few days, you reached out to me and I agreed to talk to you. But you did not liked what I had to say. I told you she’s nothing but a Gold digging whore who is trying to manipulate you into marriage or on going monetary support to better her life. And she deliberately got pregnant to achieve this. But infatuated that you are, you insisted it was love! Get real asshole! You are an old man to her with money!! That is all she was after and you could not see this! You even tried telling me that she might actually have genuine feelings for you? You are fucking delusional! Now my brother tells me she is pressuring you to buy a large house or condo! And you still could not see her real motives for pursuing you?? When will you wake up? She’s already ruined our lives because of your lust for 3rd world young flesh, you fat old bastard!

I told you that I felt so insulted that you even likened me to this low-life woman. She is as immoral and conniving as the rest of her kind, short-sighted and won’t care to gamble with a child’s life as long as she thinks she can get away with it. How dare you even compare me to her! She does not have any morality and her so called intelligence just because she’s got a supposed degree in education (from a 3rd world country!) is nowhere near like my education that’s gained from the west! You then apologized and acknowledged you made a mistake by comparing her to me. Then you admitted that you are going to pay for her maternity costs because you are her boy friend! You finally admitted it, you fucking low-life bastard! You even admitted “I have feelings for the girl”. Sure! Feelings being generated by the little head! You hardly know the slut! And look where she’s brought you to? Into the darkness of uncertainty and depression because of her self-centered needs.

Last time we talked you told me your whore does not want you talking to me. So you are obeying her now? Another lie that you told me. Back then you told me no woman can control you and I admire you for that. But now this whore is trying to do exactly that! And I know why you are bending to her:  because of her youth! You are 28 years older than her! You’re old enough to be her father, a grandfather to her even! You should be ashamed of yourself, Reich! Shame on you, shame on you!! Well, good luck with your bastard and whichever other whores you’re gonna hook up with, because knowing you, you are not gonna get “caged” for long and as you continue to aged, those whores are just gonna suck your money that we both worked hard to win. If I had known you were gonna betray me, I wished I should not have helped you with that retirement, you fucking, lying low-life bastard. I sure damned hope Karma will take from you what is rightfully mine! I would rather see that money go to the starving children than see that whore enjoy it!

Your current whore might think she has/can control you but soon you will get disillusioned and leave. And oh, that’s if your multitude of ailments don’t get a bite of your ass first!

By then I could not care less. Have a screwed up life asshole!!! Keep enjoying your miserable life and depression!


  1. Medea 11 years ago

    And you know what Reich? you have the gall now to give me the silent treatment because your whore tells you to? Or because I drove a few home truths onto your coward ass? Whatever happened to your promises of “we won’t have any secrets M”, and “I only have you”. Oh, how I wished I’ve never met you, you low-life small-dicked scum. Yeah, be apathetic regarding your health issues, and maybe, just maybe that will be your pay back for causing me so much pain.

    So what is it like not to be able to eat, sleep, restless, sweat like a pig because of high anxious because of so much uncertainty in your life? Yes Reich, I experienced those last year and you were nowhere to be found because you were too busy chasing your whore around the countryside! And that’s just a fraction of the agony I experienced when you dumped me, you lying asshole!

    And you are such a fucking hypocrite too! You criticized the paedophiles that frequent that country for young flesh. Do you really consider yourself any better just because the girls you picked were of age? I so wished that your penchant for young flesh in that corrupt 3rd world country will get you framed so you’d end up in prison, if not deported! You being deported or thrown to prison for being framed will be my sweetest revenge and I hope it happens soon asshole!!

    • anonymous 10 years ago

      Ummmm. Thank you. Your letter to your ex has hit home in many ways. I googled “How did I turn out to be such a piece of shit and your letter came up.
      I am truly a piece of shit. I realize that now. Wow. Pathological and untrustworthy.
      I hope to change that about myself. I WANT to change that about myself.
      Thank you.

  2. Medea 11 years ago

    So Reich, it has been 11 days since I heard from you last. Looks like you’ve given me the silent treatment now. Is that because your whore forbids you from talking to me? Oh my! And what happened to the “no woman will ever dictate me!” bravado huh? Oh, sorry. That was just piss-talk. Bravado. Pretending to be who you weren’t in real life. In real life, you’re nothing but a spineless, gutless, ball-less dumb Eunuch!

    Please yourself Reich. As I am showing you now, I have more honor and guts of steel in my body than you macho wannabe. As you can see, I have not kicked you out of my property because I promised you I would never pull the rug from under you. And that’s more than you deserved, you lying motherfucking SOB! Lies, lies, lies, and more fucking lies!! You hated being lied and deceived Reich, and yet that’s all you’ve fed me through out our relationship. I’ve had to make excuses to my family when one of your promises came unfulfilled. And the timing of your Gold digging whore’s pregnancy indicate that you had sex with her the day I arrived in Asia to see you, that is why you could not have dinner with me last Feb 15th, you motherfucking low life asshole!! You could not even fucking wait! This unwanted baby is only part of your Karma Reich, there is more to come. Your Gold digging whore will use this child to squeeze more and more money from you Reich. I hope right now you are in the pits of depression, you lying bastard!

    In a way, you keeping your distance and ignoring me is a good thing coz I am getting over you real fast. But one day, you are gonna have to talk to me. Well I don’t really care right now if you will or you won’t. I guess when time comes, you will quietly remove your shit from my property, maybe you might be doing it now and giving some of them to your worthless gold digging whore. Oh yeah, enjoy yourself while the going is good, because your whore will soon find some other sucker who will have the balls to marry her and take her to your country, coz that is what she is after Reich and you know it! I pity for your bastard child, because he/she will only be discarded by your whore when it will become clear to her that you can not give her what she wanted. I hope you’re not gonna be stupid enough to bow to her pressure. Geez, I would not even describe that woman as “pretty”! what with her flat tomato like nose!

    And by the way, how is that medical issue going? You know what? I got you your Military pension, and now your whore and bastard child are the one that’s gonna benefit? Well I hope you are paying big for that pension. I hope that medical condition in which I’d been pushing you to get seen is troubling you more and more, as in more frequent attacks Reich. Oh I won’t have control with that. But Karma is watching Reich. What you did to me is most unforgivable. I was innocent and fell for your lies. One of these days, someone else will lie to you, deceive you, tricked you. Hell, it might even be happening now. See you in hell you motherfucking low life bastard!!!!

  3. Medea 11 years ago

    I sometimes wonder what I have done to get punished to have met someone like you Reich? Sure, you made me feel so loved, so wanted, so beautiful, so adored. But that meant nothing if you’re only going to end up rejecting me for some cheap younger piece of gold digging ass. If only I had known you were going to do this to me, I would not have helped you get that retirement. Thank God you did not win your appeal. I wished now you went ahead with it and lost.

    But Karma is coming soon to you Reich, and guess what? your diseases that you are not doing anything about now will not be covered by your VA because they’re not service connected. Therefore you will need every penny that you’ve got to pay for your medical in that 3rd world country.

    Yeah, you emailed me on the 22nd telling me one of your friends there died. The German guy you preferred to hang out with instead of me when I was there with you last year, knowing I only had 2 weeks left before going back to Europe. Life is short Reich, that’s why I emailed you about organizing something regarding your health care, because I can see you suffering as a result of your many illnesses that you are refusing to address right now. You hoped for a quick exit from this world. That might not always be possible and I am trying to get you to draw up a limited power of Attorney and appoint someone who will act in your best interest. I don’t really care if you appoint your whore. I would rather not be involved if you become incapacitated. But do you think your whore will really be around if and when that time comes? We both know she will not Reich.

    So day 4 now since you emailed me telling me you’re going to the city to pick up your mail and extend your visa. You were supposed to only be going for the day. But you have not returned, my guess is you deliberately picked a Friday to go there so you can spent time with your whore on the weekend. That’s OK Reich, I will watch on this side as you continue to enjoy your whore, because soon she will find someone who will give her her dreams of going to a western country and she will dump you, just like you did to me. What comes round comes round Reich. It’s a shame just not fast enough in your case. I still can not believe what is happening to us, our dreams in tatters because of your lust for young flesh. You really are no better than the rest of the geriatric population who are arriving in that country to copulate with the young females. Come to think of it, when you befriended a 19 year old last year, introduced to you by yet another low life whore who took her BF’s money for his medical care leaving him stranded in a hospital with no money for surgery, I asked you if you intended to fuck her because you paid for her to stay at the same hotel you were staying at. You even gave her a lot of money to have lunch with the low life whore who introduced you. You denied it at that time. But I think you did not find out she actually had a BF, I am now sure you would have fucked her, given the chance. You tried telling me at that time that you regretted not having a child. I warned you then that a child at your age and your condition will only be an albatross on your neck. Ah, but you quickly forgot my warning, just the same you quickly forgot about me while I was lying sick in the hospital when you started pursuing your whore.

    Oh I wished I could see the future right now. I wonder what you’re going to do with all that shit that you stored in my property? Stuff that you bought for our resort, had you not hesitated. Now that gold digging whore is trying her best to convince you to buy it for her. Or buy her a big house. If you still don’t believe that she is not after your money, if you are still convinced that she really loved you for your fat gut and your wrinkly saggy face, then go ahead buy it for her, and appoint her as your power of attorney. Let’s see if she does not aid you to a quick death.

  4. Medea 11 years ago

    So Reich, once again you turn to me for comfort and support. Now you are saying you are not happy in that hell-hole 3rd world country you decided to settle in. You told me were it not for your pregnant whore, you’d have been gone by now. You really are a pathological liar, aren’t you asshole?

    When I left you in March of this year, you appeared happy, always pulling that damn cell phone checking for messages that your gold digging whore sent you. My guess is, had the stupid gold digging bitch not deliberately gotten pregnant, you would have happily continue screwing with her! Oh, but you are just as stupid as she for not even thinking that the likes of her WILL deliberately get pregnant to entrap you. I educated you about this for 5 fucking years before you moved there! But oh, you had to allow your little head to do the decision making, don’t you asshole? Just like the rest of those geriatric predators that prey on the starving young women in that country!

    And not only that, you are as stupid as your gold digging whore! You could not see that her prostitute sisters planned on you to be the family’s white knight, their salvation from poverty! No, you could not see that because all you could see was her cheap young ass! So now it’s pay back time! Yes asshole, pay back time.
    And yes, I damn you every night for what you did to me. I damned you for the river of tears that I cried over you last year. I hope that if I cried a river, you would cry an ocean, you lying low life asshole! I hope you are enjoying your depression that I sent your way. Oh, how I suffered last year. I was so sick, my morale was so low, I missed you, I was reaching out to you. But no, you were nowhere to be reached because you were enjoying her cheap gold digging ass! I suffered high anxiety because of you. My Doctor sent me to a Psychiatrist because of you! Yes, Reich, that was what I went through last year. But oh, even if you knew that at that time you would not have cared because of your gold digging cheap young ass! no you wouldn’t, you lying low life bastard. I hope you suffer the misery of depression Reich. It’s pay back time!

  5. Medea 11 years ago

    So I waited last night for you to text me back so we can talk. But you prefer to be with your German friend. You texted me this morning and apologized. Nothing changed Reich. You remained a lying low-life piece of shit! Do you really think I believed you that you went drinking with your German friend? And not a courtesy text to let me know you were too tired to talk to me! So this morning you told me you will go back to the city next week because you had some business to do. Another lie! It’s likely to meet up with your whore who I suspect is succeeding in manipulating you into either marriage or cohabitation. Go ahead Reich, you can go to hell! I hope that depression will plague you for the rest of your miserable life!!!

  6. Medea 11 years ago

    So here I am being yet ignored by you Reich. I am really used to this now, trouble is, you are quick to get upset if and when I do not respond. You must really think I’m your puppet, that I’d jump the moment you tell me to. So on May 29th you said in your email that you don’t really want to be in Asia anymore, and that were it not for the pregnancy of your whore you’d have been gone ages ago. Must you always tell a lie asshole? I certainly did not get that impression when we were together 4 months ago? Why don’t you just admit that it’s your whore’s pregnancy that is scaring the shit out of you? And you know what? I just got this feeling that you will yet break one more promise you told me: That you will never marry her nor bring her to the US. But why should I be surprised if this is yet going to be another broken promise, another lie? Nothing true has ever come out of your mouth asshole! And one more thing, you refused to see me during when I arrived in your hotel Feb. 15 and 16 citing not feeling well. Your room was just above me and you would not even see me. Now I know that that must have been the days you had sex with your Goddamn gold digging whore! Either that or the baby is not yours anyway! Either that or your low life ass managed to sneak her into the hotel room while I was away. Of course I would not mind you would have done that too, asshole! And looked what’s happening to you now. Your lies and deceit has caught up with you! And if you would be unlucky enough to have made your whore pregnant, you are going to be paying for your bastard child money for many years, and your whore will likely use that child to extract more and more money from you because that is all these gold digging bitches cared about! Ha! She thinks you will be able to support her and your bastard child huh? The bitch was so stupid for not knowing who you really are, a selfish ass who is just likely to turn his back once the novelty of having a child wears off. To be honest asshole, I can not see you supporting your bastard past 3 years, because you’d either be too sick or couldn’t care less by then. And your whore, stupid bitch that she is, she totally ruined her life by having a baby with you. The only guys who would be willing to take her on with your bastard child is a geriatric foreign man. But of course, given the prospect of going to the US, I have no doubt your whore will jump at the chance, because that is the real reason why she pursued you, but you were too blind to see that because your little head was doing all the thinking. Now you pay and pay big time!

    I hope you are wallowing in misery right now asshole!! Be miserable!!

  7. Medea 11 years ago

    So here I am again Reich, preparing for my trip to Asia next month, where you are currently living. Had I not booked all my tickets and had I not organized other things for my charity work, I would cancel this trip. I have not heard from you since May 31st, again you have gone underground. Even your sister is very worried about you, but I could not tell her anything. We don’t even know if you’re still alive Reich. You really are a cold-hearted bastard who cares for nothing and no-one.

    Oh, sure you told me you have feelings for your whore. You actually mean your little head has feelings for that gold digging slut that you got yourself entangled with? that whore who deliberately got herself pregnant to entrap you? That slut really have no idea what you are like. Of course you probably has not displayed those traits that are characteristic of your personality disorder. You know what I’m talking about Reich: the apathy, the anhedonia, the procrastination. But then, she won’t care about that so long as you kept throwing money at her. Yes Reich, money that we both worked hard to achieve. I live in hope of impermanence Reich, that this disappointment I am experiencing won’t last. Same impermanence that will hit you when time comes.

    By the way, did you ever get round to organizing a limited power of attorney for you just in case you become incapacitated? Or advanced health directives? I bet not. I advised you about these because of your multiple health issues Reich. But again, apathy got you.

    In 3 week’s time I will be there. I wonder if you will see me? My guess is you won’t because you are scared of me. Yes because you are guilty of many, many things Reigh, primarily your lying.

    Funny, I was just reading something in bed yesterday and someone mentioned Jet-ski. And I remember that was one of your dreams, to buy a jet-ski for the two of us once we buy that resort. Another fantasy woven by your defective mind Reich. Oh, what do you think the chances of your child developing mental illness between you and your personality disorder and your whore’s family history of madness? Quite high Reich. But I won’t care by then. And you probably won’t be in this planet to worry about it. I hope you are having a miserable time right now Reich.

  8. Medea 11 years ago

    So Reich, you continue to be a lying personality disordered bastard! Here I am in the provinceaiting for you at my brother’s place because you said you will have lunch with me. It’s 5 days today that I’d been here since Monday and so far you only sent me a text twice gelling me you could not come because it’s raining. Well ashoke, it’s been 3 days of fine weather and not a word from your miserable self you bastard! If this is how you pay me back for just because I did not call you back when you texted me to call you, will then asshole, I am gonna take back to Europe with me the paperwork that you want plus the keys to your Jeeps and you can damn well wait till I get back here which is sometime next year – if I choose to come back here. What I can’t understand is, why did you kept texting me while I was in Europe and telling me you’d see me and now that I’m
    I never imagined the humiliation you will put me thrrough. All the people here who knew us are asking where you are. I have to tell lies so as not to humiliate myself anymore than what you already inflict.ed on me. But I will survive this Reich and your day will come. Karma will getnyounsoon enough and you will pay dearly you miserable low life bastard!

  9. Medea 10 years ago

    ell Reich, you have not changed. You are a liar and will always be one because to lie is your pathological disease! You were sweet to me at times while we were together. But it disgusts me that you entertain your whore’s calls and texts while I’m with you until I put my food down. Yeah, my sister in law was correct. You are a man with no principles, spine-less, gutless coward with no word of honor.

    You told me that you will email and text me more often. Yeah sure, you tried to keep in touch. But I think while you are under the spell of your whore, while you fail to see that all she wants from you is your money, and while I am so far away, I will always come a close second. I saw you coming into harm when you started dating her and I told you so. But you just lied and lied and denied a relationship with her. Now that it is obvious that you had a relationship, and even referred to your gold digging whore as your “girl friend”, you frequently change your mind about your relationship with her. One moment you are putting your foot down against her demands and one moment you appear to soften. And why are you putting her in a hotel before and after your bastard child is born? Although you claimed that it was your idea, I bet that it was hers and once again you gave in without the thought of the impracticality of it, that she needs all the support she can get as a young mum. But oh, she just wants to experience living the high life. Well I hope it backfires for you and her. You have committed a serious sin against me. I hope Karma returns to you 100 fold of what you did to me.

    I supposed you don’t even think that today is a year ago since you abandoned me, while my ass was languishing in the hospital, while you and your whore were enjoying yourself. Remember this Reich, I will never forgive and I will never forget because I am not divine. I leave forgiveness to the divine. You and your whore’s time of tears are still coming.

  10. Medea 10 years ago

    Well Reich, it is clear to me now that while I have my work here overseas and can not be with you all the time, I will always come close second to whatever. I am contemplating retiring by 2016 so I can be near you all the time. But who knows what’s around the corner? You might not be in Asia by then.

    Anyway, my birthday came and went on the 5th. I tried to call you on the 4th to find out more about your heart tests, but you told me that you wanted to eat first and that you’d text me so I can call you. Another lie! Since the 4th, I heard nothing from you, you low-life, lying scum! But I really am not surprised anymore. What tends to surprise me though is the extent of your weakness. You don’t have a backbone to stand up against anyone. How the fuck did you managed to become a soldier?? Your sister was telling the truth. You were so shy that you would not even ask for an extra blanket from the Nurses, she had to do it for you. While your sister sees it as shyness, I see it as weakness. Poor Sarah. She really did not know you that well. And you know, she still wishes we could have made it good. And she’s another one that you treat with contempt. And yet, not that long ago, you told me that you worried about dying, that you would liked to think that someone will be there to hold your hand while you’re dying. You really are a stupid man Reich! How can you expect people to be there for you when you weren’t there for them? You really have no idea about inter-personal relationships!!

    Well Reich, the days of my pining for you is coming at an end, if not ended already. Funny how I woke up on the 5th, the day of my birthday feeling that I don’t really care about you anymore. I don’t care what you do and who you’d fuck! I was hanging around for that resort that you kept dangling under my nose and which you promised you’d put in my name. But now I know you won’t do it. What with your whore on your ears also wanting the same. That bitch did not do anything for you Reich, other than open her legs to a sex-starved old man, the way her own kind ensnare other white men. That is all she did. Do you really think she deserved any of what we worked so hard for?

    Anyway Reich, since I am seriously considering my career and future in general, I guess you screwing up will just make my decisions easier. Oh, before I finish this, I want you to know that you might feel really happy and contented and arrogant right now, your day of reckoning is at hand. Yours and your whore. I’ve shed my tears for you Reich. Soon, it will be yours and your whore’s turn.

  11. Medea 10 years ago

    Oh how the might has fallen! You texted me on the 17th, asking me if I was OK which is our code word that you needed. I texted you back and asked you if you were OK. You said you were. You called, we talked briefly because I was leaving for work, but you did not sound right but you kept saying you were OK.

    At work, you texted me again, asking if you could call. I allowed you to. You see Rick? most of the time I complied to your requests which is more than I can say for your miserable drug addicted ass!

    You told me you’d been feeling depressed, so in desperation you bought Cannabis from Nick. Another hypocrisy surfacing on your defective character. You told me it was the worst feeling you ever felt all your life. I told you to have plenty of rest and drink plenty of water to try and wash that shit off your system. Like the dutiful ex that I am, I reassured you.

    Following evening, you asked me what are the symptoms of withdrawal? I told you. You told me you were aching all over, felt so, so depressed. You then confessed to me that you have been abusing narcotics in the last 10 months, you used 4500 tablets in that period, likely since your gold digging whore announced her pregnancy.

    I have always cautioned you about using drugs, but you’re always minimized it. Now you finally admitted it that you were addicted and now you’re withdrawing bad. Stuck in that 4th world provincial hell hole, once again you turned to me for support and advise. I must be stupid because I always seem to bail your ass out. I told you what to do and what to take to ease off the symptoms, while praying your pain will last for weeks.

    Unfortunately, when I talked to you last night you told me that your symptoms have eased off although you were not 100% yet. You told me of your severe pain, how you were curled up in a fetal position because of pain, and having to scream now and again and thoughts of suicide because of the unbearable pain.

    Asshole, you just experienced what I experienced last year. Yes, the severe emotional pain you gave me when you turned to that gold digging whore that you had gotten pregnant. Yes, the screaming at the top of my lungs while coming home from work because of severe emotional distress. Yes, the self-mutilation in an attempt to deflect the pain from my heart to my wounded wrists. Sadly for me, your symptoms did not last. That was too quick and not enough punishment yet Reich. But I can assure you, there’s more to come because of your lingering health issues and your depression and PTSD in which you choose to do nothing except self-medicate with narcotics.

    Superficially, I offered to be with you while hoping you’d reject my offer, which you did. Did you actually tell your gold digging whore that you’re a junkie now? And did you ask her to come and take care of you? Of course you did not because she won’t understand. She will drive you nuts nagging you to death for her needs. When did she ever consider your needs, Reich? Of course never! Selfish ass meets selfish ass, time will soon prove who she is, even though you kept allowing your dick to do the thinking.

    Oh, I am well and truly over you. What I am angry about was how you seduced me with a multitude of lies and false promises. That one is worth more punishment Reich and I hope it will rain on you like a thunderstorm. Hope you’re still suffering asshole!

  12. Medea 10 years ago

    So here we are again ass hole. I got sucked in by your lies and manipulations again.
    Now this is costing me money. But you know what Reich? You will never do this again for me. Never, never, never!!

    Yep, I booked a hotel for us for when I arrive in January. I emailed you on December 8 asking you if you were happy to fly with AA. To date, no reply. Your gold digging whore gave birth on the 2nd of December. She was giving you the silent treatment before that after you busted her for spending the money she was meant to pay for her hospital bill. And yep, I am correct again. She had Caesarian section.

    But against to what we agreed on, when I told you not to show yourself at the hospital, you went there like a dutiful lover, even bringing that gold digging whore some fruits!! Yeah Reich, I was languishing in hospital last year and not a text from you to enquire after my welfare! And when your whore was in hospital giving birth to your bastard child, you were there! So what happened? You were overcharged for the hospital bill because you were obviously a foreigner. Either that or the gold digging whoring sisters overcharged you. I told you to deduct from her monthly allowance what the money she spent which was for her hospital bill. But you got angry and you said that she’d get nothing else but the money support for the baby. Oh really Reich? A gutless, spineless, piss weak like you? I don’t really know what your attraction is towards her, other than her young ass. And you know very well that that young ass don’t age well. And gosh, coming from a family with Neanderthal features, you are lucky that that child seems to inherit most of your features. But it’s only early days. Babies change as they grow.

    So it’s been 8 days since I sent you an email. Not a courtesy reply, nor text. Are you alive? are you dead? No, I am not worried about you, you lying piece of excrement! For your sister’s sake, you should at least let any of us if you are so she won’t worry. As for me, I couldn’t care less what happens to you. I am not chasing a personality disordered asshole like you! Never again!

    You are probably too busy looking for accommodation for your gold digging whore and your bastard child. Yeah Reich, you are too blind to see that all you are to her eyes is a ladder for a better life for her. She has already shown she can not be trusted with your money when she spent the $800 you gave her last month. And now that you readily dug in your pocket to cover for that loss, what makes you think she’s not gonna do it again? all for the sake of a fuck! What a low life piece of shit you really are Reich!

    Well enjoy your gold digging piece of ass Reich, because you are about to lose more than half of your monthly pension gained by fraud. Yes I have decided to report your SS fraud to your people. What I have given you, I can taketh. Let’s see then how generous you are to your gold digging whore. And oh, you might think that you have got the all clear from the Docs now, that there is nothing wrong with your arteries. Well I got news for you Reich. Blockages don’t miraculously clear up without proper diet and exercise. Your sins will come back to hound you Reich, and soon.

    And by the way, that money you owed me for booking you a hotel and airfare when you had to see the Veteran’s affairs last October. I want that money back Reich. I don’t know how am I going to get it off you, but I will on one form or another. In the meantime, I will continue and wait on the sidelines for the fall out of your madness. Have a continous nightmare, asshole!

  13. Medea 10 years ago

    Well Reich, once again you showed what a lying bastard you are!! I ended up texting you last Friday because your whore has posted that you were there with her and your bastard child. We talked and you told me that you have been there since just before the New Year because she asked you to help care for your bastard son. And like a dutiful lover, you went, not knowing that she’s had plenty of help from her family.

    And you told me that she was going to her island on January 12 to stay there. Well asshole, I just confirmed with the hotel that she’s still there, that you did checked out a few days ago, but coming back today!! Asshole, I am arriving on Saturday. You owed me money, you Godamn fucking bastard! Tell you what Reich, if you wont see me, or if I know that your romance is back in full swing, I will not be returning to that 3rd world hell hole! But I want you to pay me back. How could you have turned up like this Reich? and in your old age at that!! But I got news for you buddy, that bastard child of yours? You will never see him graduate elementary. Or if you will, you will be racked with diseases because of your lifestyle. Revenge is slow to come for me Reich, but come it will. And when it does, my heart won’t care what happens to you. You don’t deserved me. Yeah, you and your whore are having the happiest moments of your life. Enjoy it asshole because it won’t last forever. Damn you!! I hope you suffer what you inflicted on me in 2013, I hope and wished and pray that someone else will break your heart in so many pieces, just like what you did. I hope you will be lied to and get scammed, just the way you lied to me. You are nothing but a piece of shit Reich!

    Just as well I did not make the reservations for you to meet me in the capital when I arrive asshole, or else I would have wasted my money! You did not even have the decency to reply to my emails or to message your sister. And now I found out that your whore is still holed up in the hotel and you’re meeting her there again. I hope you both go to hell you fucking assholes!! Burn in hell!!!!

  14. Medea 10 years ago

    Well Reich, today is April 16, 2015. A year ago and a week since you announced your whore’s pregnancy. I went to that 3rd world hell hole thaat you chose to retire in last January. You were OK but still drug-fucked. You were still abusing your drugs, and your gold digger’s baby was sick. I told you what was wrong with your baby. Gosh, I can’t believe how your gold digger was not treating you seriously. You had to yell at her so she’d listen!

    When I left, you insisted on taking me to the bus stop. I asked you to email me often. But you must have just sent 3 emails since I returned to my country, and we only talked 3-4 times. But last time, I initiated the call. You seemed cold and distant. I offered to make your reservations to the VA for next month because you’ve always asked me to make the plane reservations. But you declined stating that you wanted to be independent because you have to do this every 6 months. The tone of your voice was cold and distant. I asked you if you were mad at me, but you said “no”, yet you have not replied to my email and it’s been 14 days since I sent it to you. Right now, no texts, no emails, no response to my offer to buy the replacements for the spare tire covers which were stolen. Now I know that you’re the biggest, spineless, gutless, low-life lying bastard over there, but to not even tell me what I have done wrong….now that has got to take the take. Maybe you are sick again ass hole?

    Oh, by the way, your whore has been creating a mess over at your sister’s FB page by posting your bastard child’s photos. Tell you what asshole, I am not going to chase you. I am not going to pursue you. I don’t need to because I don’t need your money or your citizenship!! So you can go to hell! I hope that the reason why you have not gotten back to me is because you are wallowing in depression and addiction. Yes Reich, I don’t care what happens to you now because all these times, since you moved to that hell-hole country you used to call paradise (even though I kept re-orienting you to reality that it is not), you have rejected me, abandoned me, betrayed me, lied to me. I will never forget what you did to me asshole! I hope Karma is going to catch up with you soon and you will get a taste of what I went through when I was sick in September 2013, I was at death’s door while you were fucking your gold digging accursed whore!! Have a miserable life asshole!!!

  15. Medea 10 years ago

    So Reich, you’ve chosen to ignore me now are you? Why am I not surprised? Your word is not worth a shit!! You’re piss-weak, you have no word of honor and pussy whipped to boot! You told me you loved me. I had no idea how fragile your love is. Is your love for your gold digging whore just as fragile?? But you know Reich, we might have ended like this, but what goes round comes around Reich. Might not happen now, or tomorrow or next month. But sooner or later, we will come full circle Reich and by then I would not give a shit about you! I don’t now and for the first time in 19 months since you betrayed me, I have peace, and that is because I don’r really care what happens to you. In fact, I do so wishes that you will suffer and I don’t care how.

    So you want to make your bastard son your heir huh? Go ahead. Let’s see if he gets a penny of your money. If I were you, I’ll save every penny you have Reich, because you sure will need it when you get sick of non-service connected diseases. You have multiple health issues now, your addiction is only one of them. Their side effects won’t be covered by the VA.

    Well Reich, that’s all I will say for now because really, you can’t hurt me no more. I’ve shed my tears for you, because of your lying tongue, I hope and pray and wish that soon, it will be you and your gold digging whore’s turn to shed tears. Remember Reich, the sins of the father is to be paid for by the son……

  16. Medea 10 years ago

    Reich, I’d been meaning to continue writing this story, but 1) I really could not get motivated to write about you anymore, coz you don’t mean nothing to me anymore and 2) I could not be bothered.

    But still, I’m just really curious why you’re giving me the silent treatment? This behavior once again shows what a fucking coward you are! If I could turn back time, I would never have helped you get your pension, you fraudulent ass! I hope in hell that you’d get caught scamming the disability pension. I hope in hell that the Military will strip you of your pension!! And what’s up with your whore, huh? she’s stopped posting at FB gloating about your bastard child, the child she sneakily conceived to entrap you. And you poor old sucker, fell right into her gold digging trap. And now, you can’t get out, you’re deep in the pits, Reich. What did I tell you before all these happened? I warned you about women like that gold digging whore, but you ignored my warning and you rejected me, along with the multitude of lies that you told me and to her. Do you not have a conscience at all, asshole? So much for your kindness, your generosity to the orphaned and underprivileged children. Was that all for show asshole?

    I don’t really know why I’m still tying this. You were a waste of my time, of 4 years of my life, my tears of bitterness was wasted on you, my sleepless nights. I damn you Reich, that what goes round comes round, that Karma will return to you by the power of three, the pain and anguish that you dished out on me and I damn wished and hope that with you it will stay. You deserve that Reich, for your heartlessness, for playing with my heart, for raising my hopes for nothing. Yes, that was all a game for you Reich, but my innocence did not see it because I was blinded by so much love for you. But now, that love has been replaced by hate, and I damn you to eternity Reich, that you and your gold digging whore will suffer much more, much, much more than what you dished out on me, you lying, low life asshole! I hope you and your whore will suffer a lot more before plunging to the infernal pains of hell! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!

  17. Medea 10 years ago

    It is just 4 weeks and I will be there Reich. Today is 13 of June 2015. Almost 2 years since you betrayed me, and yet my pain continues although it is better.

    So now it’s been 12 days since you fobbed me off telling me you’ll call me….and still nothing. No email, no texts. What the fuck is wrong with your stupid head? Oh, if I had known that you’re gonna treat me like this in the end, I should not have anything to do with you, you fucking stupid asshole!!

    So now I found out your gold digging whore is in your town. Was she the reason you’re even too “busy” too contact me? I wished now I did not buy the spare tire covers, you stupid asshole! I am kicking my ass for being stupid! for wasting $100 for you! You had better let me use that SUV that I bought on your behalf, you dumbshit!

    You so hate you now Reich, that every time I close my eyes, instead of counting sheeps, I chant about your epilepsy returning to you with vengeance. You lie, you evade, you manipulate, and you forget!! Not only that, you procrastinate! And you had better not take that whore to my town, you prick! I am a millimeter from cursing you to die Reich. But no, death is too easy for you. I want you to suffer so much, much more than I suffered in 2013. Emotionally, physically, mentally. Every time I think of that time, 2013… my annus horribilis…. the year you betrayed me. The year we were supposed to be happy, and yet you were already playing games with me by the time we arrived in that Asian shit hole! How could you even stay there, much less fucked one of its natives when you hate the place and the natives so much?

    I will be OK Reich, I will bear the pain because nothing lasts forever! Not you, not my pain, not your happiness (if you ever have one!), and most importantly, not your whores! So right now she’s playing Queen and showing off your bastard child on our stomping ground. How could you even do that to me Reich! Surely, Karma is watching you and is counting your sins? I sure hope so Reich. Nothing lasts forever, and I will await your Karma, even if I watch it from hell!! I damn you Reich, to endure so much suffering, physically, emotionally, mentally, because that is what I had to endure while you fucked your 3rd world whore. That is what I had to endure while I languished in the hospital, sick and pining for you. I am about to go to bed, and I will be chanting the above to happen to you. I want you to experience my suffering 100 times and more Reich, you’re a cruel, heartless, heartless, stupid man! I damn you! I curse you! And with you that curse will stay! Damn you Reich! Damn you!!

  18. Medea 10 years ago

    So it’s now July 5 Reich, it’s 6 days before my arrival and to date you have not even had the decency to reply to my email!!!! I texted you on the 2nd of June and you did not want to take my call. That’s OK Reich, because I am over you. Today, I saw your photo at your whore’s FB. Yep, she is enjoying the money from your retirement that I worked hard to get for you. Your gold digging whore is grinning from ear to ear. Did you give her more money after you fucked her last night? That’s OK Reich, because you will die before she will!! And remember you signed a document last time I was with you leaving me everything that you owned? Unless she was smart enough to ask you to overturn that by signing another document, in which case if she did, you should be asking yourself of her motives….

    Nothing lasts forever Reich! Not you, not her, not your bastard child!! You used to sing to me “I have time”. Well Reich, you don’t! The way your health and lifestyle is going, time is NOT on your side!

    Yes it somehow still eats at my craw seeing you both happy. But I am now moving on Reich. Whether I’ll see you next week or not is immaterial. I don’t need your money or your visa. I don’t need anything from you Reich, especially what you have become! A selfish drug addicted ass hole in poor health!

  19. Medea 10 years ago

    When I saw your gold digging whore’s photo with your hand on her shoulder, I did not get hurt Reich, because I’m over you. But I think of all those times when you rejected me, made me hope, made me lose money because of your procrastinating and anhedonia. You are now 53 years old Reich, your time is running out fast, especially considering your poor health. Sooner or later, your gold digging whore is going to dump your old ass for someone else. But of course she’s gonna string you along because you’re still giving her money. Money that should have been mine.

    You know what Reich? I might actually decide not to contact you when I get there. It won’t matter to me. Even though I pined for your love for a long time, I also realized I loved myself more, that only myself can love me and not betray me. You Reich, in that 3rd world hell hole that you chose as your destination. You have no rights over there, you are a walking prey for every female citizens young and old and you were stupid enough to get hooked. Your time will come Reich, when you will pay for your sins to me. By then, I could not care less. Nothing lasts forever Reich, not you, not anyone!

  20. anonymous 10 years ago

    I know this is none of my business but this is posted publicly so, in reading these posts, I’m asking why you keep hanging on?
    Why do women do this to themselves?
    I asked this of my own woman. She says that’s because love is worth it.
    Is this why you hold on as well?
    Seems torturous to put yourself through it all.
    I’m trying to change for the sake of my relationship and the woman who has put forth soooo much effort to save us. And for a long time I was too stupid to realize what I have. I’m an idiot.
    But f he doesn’t realize what he has in you, then maybe its time to truly move on and do for you what You need.
    I’m not an expert by any means.
    I’m just saying…..

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