17 years and it’s over in a blink of an eye

17 years and it’s over in a blink of an eye

17 years and it’s over in a blink of an eye


I can’t believe after 17 years of being together and 20 years of being friends that is over. There has been no infidelity I have been true to you and given all I can give to you.

I loved our life together and wished that you had more to give to it no more than that.

How did I not realise that you were so disconnected to us.

I hope that your job goes well and that the loss of us will be worth it to you. I am so sad and in pain my life has been ripped apart and I don’t have my best friend to help me through it.

I had my whole life mapped out with you and now approaching 50 I am in a bad place and can’t believe that I deserve this now or ever.

I just want to keep shouting whywhywhy me now and please come home

It awful ! But I still love you and would try again or would I now the trust has gone. Would I trust you not to dump me again?

Don’t know

Thanks again Sarah

1 Comment

  1. Stars 11 years ago

    I feel your pain Sarah. There is absolutely no sense in loving someone so much only to have them leave. I will never be able to understand it anyway. I wish you all the best.

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