I am moving on

I am moving on

I am moving on

Dear Ben

It’s been three weeks since the last time I saw you. Since then, you gave me a silent treatment and vanished without a trace. I decided to break up with you over the texts because I realised I was just your rebound girl and you weren’t ready for a serious relationship. You didn’t even reply to it. I assumed that was it. You was afraid to tell me that It’s over. From your perspective, I didn’t deserve an explanation, and you weren’t into me. You just didn’t want to be a significant part of my life. You let go of my hand, and I know I couldn’t hold onto to you though how much I love you.

It was so heartbreaking to see you leave me without giving me any closure. I think that is an immature way of breaking up with someone.Ben, I know you have been insecure in dating anyone. You had trust issue. But I am nothing like you exes, I would never cheat on you. Why couldn’t you see that. I know how hurt that your exes did to you, and I have always reminded myself that I would love you and cherish you for who you are through thick and thin.Since I met you, you were all I thought about. You held a special position in my heart, and no one could ever replace you. I wish I could run to you and see you but I know I have to repsect myself and keep my dignity. Thank you for teaching me how to love and care for someone. I am moving on and leave the past in the past. I know I will never forget you.I think this is a closure that i can give to myself.


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