Dear T,
Well it has been about 5 months since we have broken up. I miss all the times when we would hang out. I miss all the “I love you”s and I really miss the silly conversations we used to have.
I just would like to say I miss all of you. No not in the dirty way, you silly little people. Well anyway, we have all the same friends and it is kinda awkward when we are all hanging out…..
What I don’t get is that you choose video games over me…. I saw us in my mind going to the park (our island) and running around like idiots pretending we were pirates. And I saw us growing old together. And loving every minute of it.
We shared many hugs and kisses that were priceless. Every time we kissed it took my breathe away. Every. Single. Time. And damn to I miss that.
I hear all these songs on the radio that reminds me of what we used to be. I used to cry myself to sleep and sometimes I still do now but I do that because I thought I did something wrong. But I think that is just me upset and overreacting.
You knew everything about me. And I just loved that feeling that you wouldn’t judge me and I wouldn’t have to hide anything from you. Even when I was suicidal and went though cutting, you were always there for me. A lot of times we weren’t able to talk to eachtoher everyday but that was ok with us.
Who cares if we were young and they say we don’t know what love is but I thought I found my true love until it left me one day… for video games.
Love Always,