I’d love to say some things I have to say or I need to say ..
after days of allowing myself time to heal and go through a shower of emotions ranging from agony, hurt, pain, sorrow, grief and what not, I have finally decided to say what I had to say but could not say because the opportunity never came. While these words might not have been necessary as I have nothing left to prove but I am still sending it across as it will help me be at peace with my inner self.
First of all..
May be you will never understand my position now. I pray that may there never be a time in your life when you will feel as helpless and dejected as I felt over some days. I pray that may such times never come in your life because believe me, it’s the most miserable feeling ever and I never want you to go through what I have been through.
Ithink people come in and out of our lives for different reasons and a lot of what happens can be timing but we have to work for the things you want to keep with us forever or when you think that they are irreplaceable ones .
Here’s some acceptable reasons for me to leave :
1_loved you ! You think I’m insane to love you so and leave when you need me the most .. But I loved you with out reasons and you don’t deserve to be loved cause you are ( pathetic)
You deserve to be loved for who you are .. So I decided to leave.
2_i was ready to fight any one for you except for me . always stand for yourself
3_ i was tired of every thing , I needed your help , I have forgotten that you can’t help your self to help me !
4_’m not jealous , I don’t know if it is wrong, but this is me . I’m not Barbi I can’t fake it , and I’m not sorry for trusted you
I can’t compare my self to anyone or thing
You might thought this was pretending or anything but not love . but I loved you .
5_you didn’t understand my need to be weak , strong , wiser whenever I want .
6_ i am always want to have a live and love .
But if you can’t respect our love
I choose to live everyday with out love .
After no contact for a month
I sent you a little message because it supposed to be temporary but it seems to be forever now !
You blocked me cause you are still that weak person who can’t respond to a msg on fb !! That’s all you can do ..
I hurt you ,I know . but I can’t be sorry for loving and respect my self
You should be sorry for losing me and losing yourself
I can’t be in a toxic relationship
Now .. I remember you , I miss you , and maybe I love you
I’m sorry ..
I’ll keep moving on cause that’s is what I deserve
All I want that oneday I have 0% hope to come back .
I want to sleep well with out dreaming of you
Just get out of my mind .. I’m open the door