The best is yet to come

The best is yet to come

The best is yet to come

LTME postWhen everything you worked so hard for years has ended, you’re forced to move in a different direction. Let’s hope the direction you choose is for the better. To my ex, the first few days I cried and bawled thinking the worst thoughts and trying to figure out why and wanting to put the puzzle pieces together. I was still hoping and praying every second of the day we would work it out. It hurt bad to know that after everything we have been through good or bad was no longer something I would have to endure.

That was me being a fool. I had given you forgiveness, love, and every ounce of fight I had left in me time and time again after everything you did to me. I would’ve still wanted your love and hurt because it was with you. I took a step back after that thought and replayed a few good memories we had. A moment of clarity came my way and a weight was lifted of my chest. You were my best friend and the only thing I want for you is to be happy and love someone with your whole heart instead of just the half that you have me. I gave you everything but I know in time when the right man comes along I will give him more than I gave you and that’s a lot!

I know it will take you time to find someone. You only give half your heart and you’re ready to walk and run when things get tough. I can’t wait to see the beauty when you give someone your all. I hope and pray the best for you. The best is yet to come. It took me a little bit to come to this point. I was so angry and just being selfish. When the moment of clarity came I realized I can still be selfish. Selfish in a good way by letting you go and loving myself. I know here shortly when God thinks I’m ready to give my all and so much more I will find the right person. You broke me into pieces but I still loved you. You can’t give someone love because you can’t give them what you don’t have. Im already there.

I thank you for showing me I do deserve better. Thank you for showing me how much time to not let be wasted. Thank you for showing me what I did wrong so in my next relationship it will be better. Thank you for letting me pick up pieces and more all by myself you showed me how strong I am. Thank you for believing you weren’t the one for me. Thank you again it’s the best feeling knowing we want the best for each other. I pray you find love. I pray you find happiness. I pray you let go of your way to find something better. I pray your always okay. This best is yet to come is all I can think. This happened for a reason and I won’t try and figure it out anymore. You were the best thing that happened to me in the worst and best way possible. I can truly thank you weeks later for that now and actually mean it because the best is yet to come. I love you my ex, this is my letter to you!

1 Comment

  1. Ben F 10 years ago

    Great post

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