I will never forget the passion but I long to be free of the pain

I will never forget the passion but I long to be free of the pain

I will never forget the passion but I long to be free of the pain

LTME postDear Ice Queen,

Like Prometheus I am bound to a rock but instead of an eagle eating my liver it devours my heart on a daily basis. I let you in when I knew it would come to this so I take responsibility. Somebody as unstable and unavailable as you was always going to be a bad gamble. Yet your beauty enticed me in. I convinced myself you were the love of my life, my soulmate and my everything. We had our wanton moments of sacred passion, yet I craved more. Like an addict, I sought to have more of whatever you had and wasn’t on offer. The exquisite pain of rejection and indifference were my companions for too long. We blazed for a brief time, the fire in my soul burnt so strongly for you that the heat melted my reason. The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long and my light for you burned so very very brightly. I put you on the pedestal you always wanted to be on and in return you sucked the lifeblood out me. The most frustrating thing of all a that you told yourself I was the vampire. Yet you could not sustain the depth and intensity of my emotional cathedral. My love for you was pure. i was at fault for so many things but you drove to despair with your mixed messages and tantalising suggestion of a long lasting tryst. We are both to blame, since we are both married. I will never forget the passion but I long to be free of the pain. Goodbye my Amazonian Goddess. I hope our paths never cross again lest the toxicity destroy us both. Keep away and I shall try to do the same.


  1. Prince Doza 10 years ago

    That’s what you get for giving fire to the mortals. Any affront to an Olympian is often punished through torture. I guess if there’s any consolation here, it’s that you’re not Chronos, though I’m sure there are those that would be happy to play the part of Zeus over the affair. I hope you’re better to your Goddess.

  2. Prince Doza 10 years ago

    Pardon. Cronus/Kronos/Saturn. Getting my Greek mythology all hosed up.

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