For someone who didn’t want to hurt me, you have and in the worst way possible

For someone who didn’t want to hurt me, you have and in the worst way possible

For someone who didn’t want to hurt me, you have and in the worst way possible

LTME postI cry myself to sleep every night still. I wait until everyone’s gone to sleep so they can’t hear my silent cries for help. I still can’t believe what has happened. I ask myself “what if” constantly. I’ve lost my appetite, I’m losing weight in the most unhealthy way possible. I don’t understand you. For someone who didn’t want to hurt me, you have and in the worst way possible. You were my best friend. My everything. I wish you never felt this way, I want to help you. I feel like you know what I’m talking about, but you don’t want to admit it. I thought you were the one. I could see you as the person who I would come home from work to. You said years back you saw an advert of a couple growing old and you wanted that to be us. I wanted that to be us too. Even though you’re certain you don’t want to get back together, I still have every hope. 3 years is a long time to be with someone. I wanted to be with you for another 3, and then another 3, another 3, so on, so forth; but I guess you never saw it that way. I’m sorry for what I’ve done. I’m sorry that I don’t live close. I’m sorry I couldn’t fulfil what you wanted. I want to start over as strangers again, make new inside jokes, get to know one another all over again, start fresh; but you don’t see us doing that…

1 Comment

  1. Venus 10 years ago

    Mike, .. is that you??

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