Please go to hell

Please go to hell

Please go to hell

LTME postDear David,

I never thought it possible to experience such pain, without having any actual physical ailment. I hurt from the deepest center of my being. I still hurt now, sitting here writing this letter.

It’s been 23 days since we broke up. 23 days since I found out you were cheating on me. 23 days since the world I knew came crashing down around me. No, I’m not being over dramatic. You were my world.

We had plans to marry, have kids, grow old together. We were going to be a family. We were going to be happy. We were going to be together forever. Or so I thought.

When we first started dating over 2 years ago, I had been warned by everyone, “stay away from David” they’d say. There was not one person who said anything kind, pleasant, or positive about you. You’d think that would have been a sign. You’d think I would have been smart enough to back away and stay away.

But, no. Your manipulation tactics were phenomenal. You had all the lines. You were a liar. You were conniving. You were cruel. It was all a game to you. Why me? Why me, David?

I was young. I was naive. I was head over heels. You were handsome, charming, silly, loving, kind, and caring. All of that was a facade of course. I would wouldn’t find this out for about a year or so into our relationship.

That was when the controlling began. When you began to yell, scream, swear at me. When you would degrade, demean, disrespect, and demoralize me. But I still loved you. I still love you now.

I wish I didn’t, David. I shouldn’t. I can’t. I won’t. I’m going to stop.

We haven’t had any form of communication in 13 days. This is the longest we have gone in 2 years. Please don’t reach out to me. I can’t handle it. I can’t do it anymore. It’s finally become too much to bear.

I can’t say I wish you luck, David. Because I don’t. I wish you nothing but ill will. Hopefully in time that will change. But for now, please go to hell.


The girl you absolutely, entirely, and forever changed,



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