So I just looked through all the letters on this website hoping maybe you wrote but no luck. You might not even know this website exists, you might be looking to see if I have wrote about you or you might have just moved on and put me in the past. This is my first letter. Although I have written on this website before, I always decide not to post. Fate brought us together and I hope it brings you to this letter.
It’s nights like these where I think of you and miss you the most. It’s at the end of a long but very socially active day with friends and family that I feel the void of not having you there become so visible. It doesn’t matter how much In the moment I am or how much I laugh and smile during the day because in the end I drive home and realize just how much I wish you were still here by my side.
You know how after a breakup everyone tells you to get rid of all the things that person gave you/all the things that remind you of them? Well I did, a year and half ago, and you know what? It hasn’t helped me at all. Why? Because what reminds me most of you is the person I have become from losing you. I swear sometimes I feel like you never really left me. It’s as if my heart couldn’t bare actually living without you, so it decided that you living on through me would be the second best option. I wonder if the same is true with you. Has a part of who I am become a part of who you are today? I hope I’m still a part of your life in some kind of way.
It’s been difficult without you. Some days I swear I’m over you and others I still cry while driving home from class. I don’t really know how I feel about you. Should I be upset? Should I be completely over you by now? Should I still care? Is this all in my head or is it something still worth believing in? I cant believe it’s going to be 2 years in September since we were last in each others lives. It feels like yesterday we were together (at least for me it does). I know we have grown/matured into better versions of ourselves but not a day goes by where I don’t think about what it would be like if we started all over.
Everyone has a story. Everybody’s story is different, everybody’s story is filled with unique memories and everybody’s story is filled with unique people. Some how I was lucky enough for you to be a part of my story. I’m grateful to have had the chance to make memories with you, to have had the chance to make you laugh and make you smile, to have had been there for you when you had nothing, to have had taken care of you, and to have had shown you what it feels like to have someone truly love you. Your memory is my most valuable possession.
This was so heartfelt. It really touched me. I don’t know why you broke up, but you obviously still love this person. You need to reach out. Send this person a message. Tell them how you feel. You sound like you could be my love, but I know it’s not her, especially if those are your initials. Maybe I just hope this is how she feels. Either way, don’t let another day go by.
Well, i thought im the only one feeling like this…im in thr same situation az u and i hope someday you’ll get together again..and be happy and create new other memories together full of joy and love ♡ and when that day comes…pray for me to get back with him cuz..i rly miss him too
Wow, this made me cry like a baby. I feel the same way about my ex and I think I always will. I don’t know what happened between you two but maybe you could work it out. If not, then just know that you’re not alone. There is a saying that you only get two great loves in a lifetime. I hope this one was your first and your second great love is out there waiting for you.