A few nights ago I went on your FB page to see what you were up to, I remembered you enlisted in the army. As I was looking through your pictures and posts they reminded me of how much I liked you and the reason I fell for you. It might sound strange, but believe it or not, I still have feelings for you, even after 8 years. There’s one picture that made me think how cute you have gotten since the last time I saw you, which was almost two years ago.
I remember when we started dating, my best friend made us hold hands. I remember feeling nervous, but excited at the same time. Oh how I wish I could go back and never let go of your hand! Though we were only together for a month or so, I really fell for the sweet, innocent, tall teen you were back then. I hear that the military changes people, but I hope you never change.
I hope that someday soon we meet again and get to hang out. My gut tells me to message you and tell you how I feel, but I rather wait until I see you and tell you in person. I don’t know how you’ll feel about me, but I hope that if you don’t have anyone, we can get to know each other a little more. I wish you the best in the army and I pray you stay safe. Thank you for serving our country, my brave soldier