A Letter For My Love

A Letter For My Love

A Letter For My Love

LTME postDear you,

It’s been months now, I still think about you everyday. You’re in the air I breathe, the food I eat, the stories I tell. The love we had consumed…consumes me still and I cannot think of a way to move past you. Somedays I think I’ve moved on, but every corner I turn something that reminds me of you, of the way you were, hits me straight in the face. How can I possibly move on when I see you everyday? I need you in my life; i need your love. Honestly, i remember that day you told me you were leaving, I remember asking why. When you told me you no longer loved me it tore me apart. I still refuse to accept the love can just go away like that because it can’t!

I still, to this day, stand by the fact that you loved me. I am not in denial, you would not have cried the way you did and begged me to be okay if there was an absence of love. Please come back to me. Life is so hard without you my love. You said my world would be easier without you, but to tell you the truth…yes it probably would be, but it’s not and can’t be my world without you in it. One day, in the future i pray we will be together- epic love isn’t always the right love, but its our love. We were not made to be a tragedy, we were not made to dim out. We were made to burn brightly, and when the darkness inevitably comes to claim us we will burn out together- brighter than any supernova.

I love you, always have, always will.



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