Dear you,
Have you got a new number? Or have you decided that you aren’t going to reply to my stupid late night texts? I wish I told you I loved you before you shut me out and threw me out of your life. We may be too young for love but it was something like that. I wish you had called me beautiful one last time before you left. What hurts most is not our breakup, but our broken friendship. I wish I said sorry. I wish I was more strong. But I’m letting you go because when I lost you, I found the real me. The sarcastic, funny person who wants to make everyone smile. You actually helped me find my sexuality. I discovered I was asexual (if you’re reading this and your like wtf go screw yourself because it is real ). Most of all, I learned not to change yourself for another person. You told me you didn’t like “when a girl swears.” Guess what bitch the real me is back. All of that aside I wish I told you all this before we broke up and you threw me out like trash. Oh well, at least I’m good enough for you to take me out you asshole ;).
Fuck Yourself,
RM (you know the one you screwed over?)
I wish