You shattered my heart

You shattered my heart

You shattered my heart

LTME-postDear Ex,
Hey it’s me. You might think I’m mad or angry, but I’m not. I’m just sad. You shattered my heart into pieces. And it hurt so much. It’s funny because I thought you were perfect. I ignored that you didn’t give me the love or attention I deserved because I loved you. You had been my best friend since I moved into your school in 8th grade. You knew more about me then almost anyone else. You would go on drives with me, go to see romantic movies with me, listen to me cry on the phone when we were at different colleges. That’s not something that everyone would do. Then we started dating and everything changed. You shut me out. You ignored me. You sent me one word answers. But I tried to push past those things because I thought “he kissed me first. He has to feel something.” But then you ended it. Said it wasn’t the same. That was okay but the worst part is I lost my best friend and boyfriend. You got to break my heart twice while I’m not sure it even affected you at all. I miss our friendship more then anything in this world. I miss our late night conversations, our Taco Bell runs, and watching How I Met Your Mother together because you knew it was my favorite. I wish you the best. I hope you find someone who makes you truly happy. But please don’t do to her or anyone else what you did to me. It hurts so much. I wish you all the best that this world has to offer because even if you aren’t my friend anymore, I’ll always be yours.
The girl you broke

1 Comment

  1. Meg 8 years ago

    Definitely understand the feeling. Basically nothing but time heals this, but know without a doubt that it will happen. You can always have a special place in your heart for someone, but you will definitely heal. Just focus on yourself and take care of yourself by doing as much fulfilling stuff as you can within reason. Personal growth is the only thing I’ve found helps navigate these waters. And happiness makes you so much more attractive, whether it’s to him or someone new and more compatible. You may be broken now, just like I am, but this isn’t my first rodeo and I know time heals all wounds.

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