Hey, it’s me.
I’ve been wanting to write in this page for so long but only now that I’ve got the courage I needed to do so. (Please bear with me, you know I’m not really good at writing). I came to a decision today, and that is I won’t give up on you. Yes, you read that right. I will not give up on you, on us. I know it’s been a tough month that had passed, a lot of realizations, thing I wish I did not say or do, sought for comfort from friends and family. It was a bumpy ride but all I can say is thank you. Thank you for opening my eyes to a much greater purpose, and I don’t mean that without you. In my mind you’re still in the picture. You were never gone in my mind and in my heart. God used you to make me closer to Him. I walked with Him throughout this season and will keep walking with Him cause I’m telling once you know His promises, you’re going to realize you’ll stand on Jesus’ rock and no wind can ever bring you down. It won’t be easy but it’ll be worth it. I am aware that you’re still hurting, even I am too but I will respect that and understand, I will still be here. I’ll never leave you, no. You never gave up on me no matter how hard the situation was. You stood by me through all the new challenges that I had to face for the last two years. You were there. So I’ll be here for you. Even if you don’t need me or want me anymore, no matter how long you need to heal. I will be here. I want to share something that crushed me just yesterday, I realized that you were giving me your all, your best when we were together and I was so blind and stupid to not see that. I wished I could’ve been contented, secure with you. I’m still in the process of forgiving myself. Cos Yero, you are worth it. And I don’t want to be like the others who have left you.
I don’t want to remember the faults of the past. I didn’t like who I was and how I was with you. I keep on praying for light, for healing for forgiveness. And I can tell you God has been working on it I know He is. For me and you. Now, I want to reassure you that I’m not hoping for anything, I know that time heals and I can attest to that. I’m happy and contented where I am right now. But with you I want to be so much better.
I know I shouldn’t be doing this cause ya know what they say guys should be the one courting the female, at least in my home country. But I know what I feel and you know if I feel something special and something powerful is going on.
I picked up Stitch today after more than a month. I’m playing him right now, and it reminds me of the joy it brought me when you gave it to me. Because of that I’m offering you something I have not done for anyone else. To know what it is message Somebody on messsenger with the magic words: Abracadabra
Thank you for bearing with me.