Dear LaLa,
Had i known things would end the way they did i would have never let you back in my house after the ‘atlanta incident’ .your are a sorry excuse for a husband/boyfriend/ man/lover/friend/dad/etc. Now i know why i was wife #4! I now understand why you have trouble sleeping lol i couldnt sleep either if i knew id done to innocent people what you did to us. You stealing from me is one thing but you stole from my babies who never did anything but love you. Hindsight i learned alot. Like to never let my guard down again. im glad i am free of you and your drama. My life is soo much better without you in it. And as for all the criticizing you did of my work, lmao whos making more money now? ME!!! i out did you at your own job! Lol (the one you liked throwing up to me that your 20+yrs experience made you an expert at?)hows that feel? Guess i sound somewhat bitter and mean but o well so be it. im super proud of myself and my accomplishments since i demanded that divorce. It was worth every penny. all $2,500!
Id like to say that i wish you well in life but………roflmfao!
La la la lousy