Dear P,
Its only been 2 days since we broke up but i just wanted to say, the past 7 months have been the best months of my life. You were and still are like no other and i don’t have one bad thing to say about you or our relationship, i get that we broke up because you wanted to grow and I support you i’m glad you told me !! But i thought we would get married, and we even planned since day one to go on a road trip together and we would’ve next month, i truly thought we would last forever, i swore you were my soulmate. Im not going to get over you anytime soon and i’m in a whole lot of pain i wish we could’ve grown together. I haven’t cried this much in a while and its not a good feeling but hey we broke up i’m not gonna be in the best mood i’m sure thats obvious lmao, but overall thank you for still being my friend i greatly appreciate that and thank you for trusting and loving me the way i trusted and loved you i remember the first time i said i love you, back in december ! Also i thought that our halloween anniversary was pretty silly, you changed my life and i’ll probably never feel this way about anyone again, but thank you for supporting me and i’ll always cherish the amazing time we had together. Like i said before, you’re like no other P and you’ll always be in my heart, i hope you’re doing well thats what matters the most to me right now
Love, J.