Maybe in another lifetime

Maybe in another lifetime

Maybe in another lifetime

I wonder sometimes do you wonder about me. 
You really loved me? Or all of that was a joke and I became a part of your stories you tell to your friends. I’ve been through heartquakes but this time I’m more mature I won’t complain because I know you loved me I could see it in your eyes in your efforts but you lost me baby. You are the person I want in my life , I really do. The worst part is I became NUMB after you left. I really hope sometimes if you could just come back and hold my heart once again but things are different now. I needed this lesson and my dear thank you for making me feel good when no one was there. All sleepless nights chatting, video calls and many more things thank you for everything. I LOVE YOU I really do and it hurts a lot to love you baby but I understand we weren’t meant for each other and it’s fine. Maybe in another lifetime we’ll see each other and things will be different maybe in another lifetime.

1 Comment

  1. Acard 4 years ago


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