The truth about you

The truth about you

The truth about you

It’s her job to see you as you are. The weak insecure man who cheats because he “doesn’t know his place. ” The man who said “that cunt can pack her shit and go back to the stix where she came from.” The man who judges and looks down on Jack “a friend” in person but not behind his back, for sharing about sobriety but snorting K as if the lies you tell are of a different caliber. At least he’s out here trying to promote positivity. You literally lie so much who are you to judge- the longer I know you the more the truth comes out.

Your ego is so fragile you fear being exposed for being a piece of shit. But a good man would never put his woman down to another woman or even belittle women the way you do. In the same breath you said you weren’t a narcissist you said having a consciousness is weak and you are strong bc you can sleep at night. You would play mind games to move up. Your soul is evil. You have no integrity, your mean spiteful words show the hatred in your heart, you are self absorbed, & you are judgmental. This woman you supposedly love was referred to as an opiate addict you brought back from the darkness and you regret helping her get herself together.

Nothing about you lives in your truth. I imagine it is anxiety provoking having to live with a mask all the time. I also imagine it was hard for you to watch me see you as is and fall more and more into despair everyday I spent with you. I’m sure you felt big yelling at me & making me feel like I’m not good enough holding a title over my head. It’s you who will never be deserving of all the love and grace I did give you. But I be damn if you could ever whine about how no one ever blah blah bc I did, and an utterance now is a lie. Leaving you absolutely no excuses or complaints about how you were never loved. Literally fuck you. Please enjoy the dose of your own medicine and use it to heal. You don’t deserve access to me in any capacity. Your words are a corruption of my mind.


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