Hi T,
It’s only been 2 days since you texted to break up after a small fight and bringing up all the times you already felt this way. Looking back, I saw the many signs that could have told me that you weren’t down for this relationship any further. I finally understand what you mean by us not being able to work out. It just really sucked to be dumped through a text because you were unavailable and unwilling to see my crying face again. I fell to the floor multiple times, difficult to breathe and wishing you were here to kiss my forehead and tell me that everything is alright like you have done for me for the past 2 years. But I understand, it’s tough to constantly avoid all the bad moments but I have been putting them aside. We have been broken for so long, thank you for pulling the final trigger. And treating me to the best of your abilities when we were together. I hope to be able to meet you as a friend in the future. I hope for nothing but the best for you. I will always have love for you and you have a special place in my memory but not in my heart anymore. Thank you and Goodbye! All the best
Thank you and Goodbye