I’m Done, Just Done

I’m Done, Just Done

I’m Done, Just Done

It’s over Pedro, I made up my mind,I’m Done,Just Done being treated like you have treated me. I’ve tried to work it out for four years, and there is no point in trying no longer. You have only gotten worse and worse. You have done me so wrong and hurt me over and over.

You care nothing about my feelings or the pain you have put me through. You have lied, cheated and stole from me the whole time. You blamed me for it all and walked out on me so many times for no reason on my part. You just wanted to control me and have me set here alone so if you needed to come here when you had nothing else you could.

Now that you have moved in with Brenda and been gone long enough for me to see what has been going on, There is no way we can work this out, because you have taken it way too far. I believed in you and loved and wanted you so much. I would have done anything for you. 

We can’t even try to work this out because i can’t believe nothing you say or do, you cheated, lied, called me all kinds of names, blame me for every bit of it, when you were playing games with my head and my heart, so there is no point in going in detail about it, you know what you have done and you never planned on coming back. you just like making me upset, lonely, and hurt. You cared nothing at all about me or my feelings. So i’m sure you can 
understand it all better than me. 

But let me tell you karma will get your ass, you will feel the pain I felt, you will miss me like i missed you, you will want me like I wanted you, you will be lonely for me like i was for you, you will want sex with me, you will just want me to say one word so you can hear my voice.
It’s over Pedro – don’t text me, don’t try to call me, don’t come over here, don’t sent me a message, with one of your friends don’t talk about me, and don’t even think about me. JUST DON’T…….

Because i made up my mind and it’s over. There is no point in me trying, if I did you would end up playing me again. you left me no choice, you made the choice so now you have to live with it like I did you see……..

Bye Pedro the love I had for you is for me now and i forgive you for it all. Good luck in your life, and i wish you the best…

Your Ex for a reason and forever


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