Come back my love

Come back my love

Come back my love

don’t know where you are right now, I do still think about you, even when I heard you got a new girlfriend, not even a second after i heard, i ran straight to your instagram. i was blocked. After we broke up I used to go over and over what I could have done differently to make you stay in love with me for longer. I tormented myself. For months on end. I remember being so weak from crying in the shower, i could barely see as the puffiness of my eyes had made them close up. I don’t miss you anymore. Sometimes i do, because some things remind me of you, like the movie The Notebook, that one park bench, pink, cats, blue nails, misty my teddy and my family still ask about you all the time. 

I miss missing you. I miss your family. they were lovely. I don’t think you didn’t love me, I just think I loved you more than you ever loved me, and for a lot longer. i should hate you by now but I don’t, I miss you so much , but maybe I need lots of time to accept that life is not fair and that I’m gonna miss you forever. Even though things ended badly, I hope you’re okay.  That things get better for you now that I’m not around. i miss your smile and the way you would squeeze me so tight when we hugged. i miss saying hi to your sister when we would facetime and i miss you cute laugh and your morning voice. please don’t ignore me forever, i am blocked on everything and i hate it. talk to me agian, i miss you sebastian.

– m

1 Comment

  1. Hana 2 years ago

    I feel the same way, I hope you at least feel getting just a tiny bit better every day, just a little less hurt and broken. I can’t tell you that you will be alright tomorow, I’m not. But here is a poem that has really helped me
    It’s called The healing flowers of love :
    Don’t cry too much.
    Turn heartbreak into kindness.
    Search for healing words
    and plant them
    into your wounds.
    One day
    you will have
    a garden of love.

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